Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1: Always on the run
Clue #2: Sex machine
Clue #3: The lyrics include two double negations in a row that have the same meaning
Clue #4: it was released on "one" of Maiden's most succesful records (in relative terms)

Incorrect guesses: Wrathchild/ The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner/ The Fugitive/22 Acacia Avenue/ Bring Your Daughter...To The Slaughter/ From Here To Eternity/ Sea of Madness
Clue #1: Always on the run
Clue #2: Sex machine
Clue #3: The lyrics include two double negations in a row that have the same meaning
Clue #4: it was released on "one" of Maiden's most succesful records (in relative terms)
Clue #5: one line contains references to a rather recent Scorpions song and a Uriah Heep song.

Incorrect guesses: Wrathchild/ The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner/ The Fugitive/22 Acacia Avenue/ Bring Your Daughter...To The Slaughter/ From Here To Eternity/ Sea of Madness/ When The River Runs Deep/ Wasting Love/ Wasted Years
Clue #1: Always on the run
Clue #2: Sex machine
Clue #3: The lyrics include two double negations in a row that have the same meaning
Clue #4: it was released on "one" of Maiden's most succesful records (in relative terms)
Clue #5: one line contains references to a rather recent Scorpions song and a Uriah Heep song.
Clue #6: Adrian Smith is not present on this song.

Incorrect guesses: Wrathchild/ The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner/ The Fugitive/22 Acacia Avenue/ Bring Your Daughter...To The Slaughter/ From Here To Eternity/ Sea of Madness/ When The River Runs Deep/ Wasting Love/ Wasted Years/ Only The Good Die Young/ Ghost of the Navigator
I'm A Mover
Congratulations! That's the one! :)

Clue #1: Always on the run <
"I was born by the river, just like this river
I've been moving ever since"

Clue #2: Sex machine <
"Went back and told him I'd found me a wife
Eleven children and a real good life"

Clue #3: The lyrics include two double negations in a row that have the same meaning <
"You know I don't love nobody, I don't love no one"

Clue #4: it was released on "one" of Maiden's most succesful records (in relative terms) <
it is the first B-side on all four (or five if you count the cassette...which is not a "record" as such) versions of "Bring Your Daughter...To The Slaughter", Maiden's only #1 single, though the popularity of the song itself has since waned a little bit.

Clue #5: one line contains references to a rather recent Scorpions song and a Uriah Heep song. <
Actually, I've just realised that I made a slight mistake in the writing of my clue: I thought the lyrics were "Look at Yourself" (like the UH song), not "look for yourself". The Scorpions song is "Follow Your Heart".
"Follow your heart and look for yourself and come back and tell me what you have learned"

Clue #6: Adrian Smith is not present on this song.< self-explanatory

Your turn, @Midnight . :)