Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1: Venom
Clue #2: Keep the pace, hold the race
Clue #3: Aerosmith
Clue #4: "Take a look in that pool and what do you see?"... I wish I hadn't...
Clue #5: Segregation, preservation
Clue #6: it has never been played live by Iron Maiden

Incorrect guesses: Fallen Angel/ The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner/ Dream of Mirrors/ Speed of Light/ Wildest Dreams/ Revelations/ Infinite Dreams/ Isle of Avalon/ The Clairvoyant/ Fear of the Dark/ All in Your Mind/ Montsegur/Flight of Icarus
Clue #1: Venom
Clue #2: Keep the pace, hold the race
Clue #3: Aerosmith
Clue #4: "Take a look in that pool and what do you see?"... I wish I hadn't...
Clue #5: Segregation, preservation
Clue #6: it has never been played live by Iron Maiden
Clue #7: As far as songwriting credits are concerned, this song is unique.

Incorrect guesses: Fallen Angel/ The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner/ Dream of Mirrors/ Speed of Light/ Wildest Dreams/ Revelations/ Infinite Dreams/ Isle of Avalon/ The Clairvoyant/ Fear of the Dark/ All in Your Mind/ Montsegur/Flight of Icarus/ Alexander The Great/ Childhood's End
Correct! :)

Clue #1: Venom < the etymology of the word "virus" hints at a "slimy, liquid poison"
Clue #2: Keep the pace, hold the race < this line from "The Loneliness..." describes a "oneupmanship order".
Clue #3: Aerosmith < wrote "Rats in the Cellar" on the album Rocks (//"the rats in the cellar, you know who you are")
Clue #4: "Take a look in that pool and what do you see?"... I wish I hadn't... < the video of "Virus" was shot in Steve Harris's empty swimming pool... and is allegedly the band's poorest video.
Clue #5: Segregation, preservation < @Jmaster was close: these words refer to "All in your mind" in the chorus of "Virus" ("All in your mind, all in your head, try to relate/escape it")
Clue #6: it has never been played live by Iron Maiden < self-explanatory (Blaze Bayley did it live though).
Clue #7: As far as songwriting credits are concerned, this song is unique. < "Virus" is the only song for which both Dave Murray and Janick Gers are credited (and I think it is the only one with four songwriters too).
Wanna give props to those clues, I think they’re the best I’ve seen as far as being both reasonably difficult without being entirely arbitrary. It’s a very fine line to walk and I think this should be held up as a good example.
Wanna give props to those clues, I think they’re the best I’ve seen as far as being both reasonably difficult without being entirely arbitrary. It’s a very fine line to walk and I think this should be held up as a good example.
Anyway, thank you (unless you were being sarcastic). ;)
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No sarcasm. We've had a few times where the clues were so obscure folks are just throwing guess at the wall and we end up with 40 clues. And the one time I tried it, my clue was so easy it was guess immediately. It's not an easy line to walk.
What I really try to do is not to associate the same idea or reference to more than a single clue, so that, even if a clue stumps you (e.g: me with mainstream fantasy or superheroes references), you can get another chance as soon as a new clue is given.
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