Black Bart
Ancient Mariner
No sarcasm. We've had a few times where the clues were so obscure folks are just throwing guesses at the wall and we end up with 40 clues. And the one time I tried it, my clue was so easy it was guessed immediately. It's not an easy line to walk.
What I really try to do is not to associate the same idea or reference to more than a single clue, so that, even if a clue stumps you (e.g: me with mainstream fantasy or superheroes references), you can get another chance as soon as a new clue is given.No sarcasm. We've had a few times where the clues were so obscure folks are just throwing guess at the wall and we end up with 40 clues. And the one time I tried it, my clue was so easy it was guess immediately. It's not an easy line to walk.
The TrooperCool.
Clue #1: Russian Roulette