Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1: I guessed right.
Clue #2: "Those who know will not tell"
Clue #3: Black Pearl
Clue #4: "These are not the droids you're looking for"
Clue #5: not quite Sinatra
Clue #6: Doc Brown about the future
Clue #7:

Clue #8: Live barefoot

Incorrect guesses: Fortunes of War/ The Clairvoyant/ Look for the Truth/ No More Lies/ Lord of Light/ The Angel and the Gambler/ Wasting Love/ Run Silent Run Deep/ The Nomad/ Seventh Son of a Seventh Son / Don't Look to the Eyes of a Stranger/ Different World/ The Legacy/ Kill Me Ce Soir/ From Here to Eternity/ Age of Innocence/ The Prophecy
die with your boots on
Finally! :)

Clue #1: I guessed right. < “The Frenchman did surmise”
Clue #2: "Those who know will not tell" < in these conditions, there’s “No Point Asking” all these questions
Clue #3: Black Pearl < “The ship is lost”
Clue #4: "These are not the droids you're looking for" < Star Wars reference: immediately afterwards, the stormtrooper urges the rebels to just “move along…move along”
Clue #5: not quite Sinatra < not the Sinatra one usually thinks about, that is Nancy Sinatra, who sang “These boots are made for walking”
Clue #6: Doc Brown about the future < in Back to the Future, The Doc says “The future is what you make it”, which echoes “The truth of all predictions is always in your hands”
Clue #7:
<Tintin faces “another prophet of disaster (…) taunting us with visions, afflicting us with fear [and] predicting war for millions” in L’Etoile Mystérieuse (the fact it is written in French can also hint to the same line as in Clue #1)
Clue #8: Live barefoot < precisely the contrary of the title…like Season 8, Clue #8 feels a bit rushed, isn’t it? ;)
Clue #1: The sands of time for me are running low.
Clue #3: I'm two minutes... past 11h58 PM

WG: Heaven Can Wait, The Apparition, The Legacy