Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1:
Clue #1: "E" is the title of the last ENSLAVED record

Clue #2: In Warhammer 40.000 universe the SONS OF HORUS were known as Lunar Wolves before the great heresy.

Clue #3: The covers I aluded to were both Live After Death and No Prayer For The Dying representing the verse "Open the gates of my hell and I'll strike from the grave"

Clue #4: Video clips of EVERMORE and GENESIS out of Townsend's last album feature more cats one can count "Green is the cat's eye that glows"

Clue #5: Type O Negative's track WHITE SLAVERY features the following verse. "Let me say Pepsi Generation A few lines of misinformation"

Clue #6: A reference to Live After Death home video. During POWERSLAVE Bruce appears behind a wall of flames wearing a mask and a few minutes later a version of Eddie resembling a toilet papper monster enters the stage.

Clue #7: The last phrase out of HEBREWS 2:14 goes like this: "... and free those who all their lives were held in SLAVERY by their fear."

Clue #8: The first verse out of this song is: "Brothers I am calling from the VALLEY OF THE KINGS"

Clue #9: The description of a PYRAMID. It's composed of 4 triangular faces plus 1 rectangular (the base) and indeed there's a lot of mysteries unsolved to this very day regarding the great pyramids' construction.

There ye go. Late congrats to Jer.
Clue #1: I guessed right.
Clue #2: "Those who know will not tell"

Incorrect guesses: Fortunes of War, The Clairvoyant, Look for the Truth, No More Lies