Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1: I guessed right.
Clue #2: "Those who know will not tell"
Clue #3: Black Pearl

Incorrect guesses: Fortunes of War, The Clairvoyant, Look for the Truth, No More Lies, Lord of Light, The Angel and the Gambler, Wasting Love
Clue #1: I guessed right.
Clue #2: "Those who know will not tell"
Clue #3: Black Pearl
Clue #4: "These are not the droids you're looking for"

Incorrect guesses: Fortunes of War, The Clairvoyant, Look for the Truth, No More Lies, Lord of Light, The Angel and the Gambler, Wasting Love/ Run Silent Run Deep
Good night. Looking forward to seeing you with the right answer in the morning. ;)

Clue #1: I guessed right.
Clue #2: "Those who know will not tell"
Clue #3: Black Pearl
Clue #4: "These are not the droids you're looking for"
Clue #5: not quite Sinatra

Incorrect guesses: Fortunes of War/ The Clairvoyant/ Look for the Truth/ No More Lies/ Lord of Light/ The Angel and the Gambler/ Wasting Love/ Run Silent Run Deep/ The Nomad/ Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
Clue #1: I guessed right.
Clue #2: "Those who know will not tell"
Clue #3: Black Pearl
Clue #4: "These are not the droids you're looking for"
Clue #5: not quite Sinatra
Clue #6: Doc Brown about the future

Incorrect guesses: Fortunes of War/ The Clairvoyant/ Look for the Truth/ No More Lies/ Lord of Light/ The Angel and the Gambler/ Wasting Love/ Run Silent Run Deep/ The Nomad/ Seventh Son of a Seventh Son / Don't Look to the Eyes of a Stranger
Clue #1: I guessed right.
Clue #2: "Those who know will not tell"
Clue #3: Black Pearl
Clue #4: "These are not the droids you're looking for"
Clue #5: not quite Sinatra
Clue #6: Doc Brown about the future
Clue #7:

Incorrect guesses: Fortunes of War/ The Clairvoyant/ Look for the Truth/ No More Lies/ Lord of Light/ The Angel and the Gambler/ Wasting Love/ Run Silent Run Deep/ The Nomad/ Seventh Son of a Seventh Son / Don't Look to the Eyes of a Stranger/ Different World/ The Legacy