Guess The Iron Maiden Song!


Clue #1: fast buck > William Faulkner himself said of his novel Sanctuary that it was a "potboiler" (old equivalent of a "cash grab" or a release intended to "make a fast buck").
Clue #2: Suite Sister Mary > "Faulkner later wrote Requiem for a Nun (1951) as a sequel to Sanctuary." (Wikipedia) (NB the Queensrÿche song "Suite Sister Mary" is itself a kind of "requiem for a (kind of) nun").
Clue #3: Volstead Act > In the novel, the scene takes place during the Prohibition.
Clue #4: Whodunnit? > "Sanctuary" (the Maiden song) is one of those whose paternity has not been totally clarified to this day.
Jesus Christ those are some obscure clues. I mean come on....books?
Clue the First: The first friday of June, the 2015th year of our lord, or perhaps it was the following Monday.
Clue the First: The first friday of June, the 2015th year of our lord, or perhaps it was the following Monday.
Clue O' th'Two: The 19th letter of the modern English alphabet
Word the third: Captain John. H. Miller having trouble eating a pencil.

Hall of Shame:
Speed o' Light // The Prisoner // Empire o' the Clouds // The Book o' Souls // Fates Warning.
