Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

No to all. Time to make it easier.

Clue #1: Flight Of Icarus
Clue #2: The Number Of The Beast
Clue #3: The Talisman
Clue #4: Can I Play With Madness
Clue #5: Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
Clue #6: Frederick The Great
Clue #7: One songwriter, not a single, not a B-side

Incorrect guesses: Empire Of The Clouds, Where Eagles Dare, Satellite 15...The Final Frontier, I've Got The Fire, Sign Of The Cross, Aces High, The Legacy, Revelations, The Prophecy, Ghost Of The Navigator, Murders In The Rue Morgue, Still Life, Fear Of The Dark, Alexander The Great, Wasted Years, Paschendale, Mother Russia
No to all.

Clue #1: Flight Of Icarus
Clue #2: The Number Of The Beast
Clue #3: The Talisman
Clue #4: Can I Play With Madness
Clue #5: Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
Clue #6: Frederick The Great
Clue #7: One songwriter, not a single, not a B-side
Clue #8: Clues #6 and #7 are enough information all by themselves to deduce the answer

Incorrect guesses: Empire Of The Clouds, Where Eagles Dare, Satellite 15...The Final Frontier, I've Got The Fire, Sign Of The Cross, Aces High, The Legacy, Revelations, The Prophecy, Ghost Of The Navigator, Murders In The Rue Morgue, Still Life, Fear Of The Dark, Alexander The Great, Wasted Years, Paschendale, Mother Russia, For The Greater Good Of God, The Red And The Black, Heaven Can Wait, Bring Your Daughter...To The Slaughter
Sea of Madness
We have a winner! (Finally!)

Clue #1: Flight Of Icarus -- the lyric "fly on your way like an eagle" parallels the "like the eagle and the dove, fly so high on wings above" from "Sea Of Madness".

Clue #2: The Number Of The Beast -- the lyric "what did I see, can I believe" parallels the "my eyes they see, but I can't believe" from "Sea Of Madness".

Clue #3: The Talisman -- a song about the sea.

Clue #4: Can I Play With Madness -- a song about ideas that could drive you to madness, similar to "Sea Of Madness". And there's "madness" right in the title, of course.

Clue #5: Rime Of The Ancient Mariner -- another song about the sea, where the lyric "no wind in her sails" parallels the "there ain't no wind to fill your sails" from "Sea Of Madness".

Clue #6: Frederick The Great -- Adrian Smith's middle name is Frederick, and he composed "Sea Of Madness". Also, "Alexander The Great" is on the same album as "Sea Of Madness".

Clue #7: One songwriter, not a single, not a B-side -- "Sea Of Madness" was written solely by Adrian Smith, and is neither a single nor a B-side.

Clue #8: Clues #6 and #7 are enough information all by themselves to deduce the answer -- Adrian Smith only has 3 songwriting credits with Iron Maiden where he was the sole songwriter. "Wasted Years" and "Stranger In A Strange Land" were both singles, leaving "Sea Of Madness" as the only possible answer.

Does this really count as a clue?
Yes, because it reduced the search space.
No to all three.

Clue #1: A film follows another, but it's not the sequel.
Clue #2: Not another smile on another face.

Incorrect guesses: Caught Somewhere in Time, Man on the Edge, To Tame a Land
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