Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

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Clue #1: A film follows another, but it's not the sequel.
Clue #2: Not another smile on another face.
Clue #3: Almost 300,000,000 in SI.

Incorrect guesses: Caught Somewhere in Time, Man on the Edge, To Tame a Land, Heaven Can Wait, Twilight Zone, Children of the Damned, Revelations, From Here to Eternity.
Speed of Light

Clue #1: A film follows another, but it's not the sequel. - In the lyrics there is the line "event horizon lost in space"; both Event Horizon and Lost in Space are titles of a science fiction film.

Clue #2: Not another smile on another face. - The first lines are "Another time, another place/a hollow universe in space" while in Purgatory we have "Oh another time, another place/oh another smile on another face"

Clue #3: Almost 300,000,000 in SI. - According to Wikipedia the speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s, using an SI unit (Système international, aka International System of Units) for speed.
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Clue #1: is it really the end not some crazy dream?
Clue #2: Beast On The Road

Incorrect guesses: Sat15/ The Final Frontier/ Heaven Can Wait/ When the Wild Wind Blows
From Here to Eternity?
Well done! :)

Clue #1: is it really the end not some crazy dream? > this is the song in which Charlotte dies + "she must be having one of her crazy dreams"
Clue #2: Beast On The Road > the drawing in which Eddie plants the British flag into the Earth (used as a cover for the Beast on the Road tour) was the backdrop used during the live performance of "From Here To Eternity" (at least at Donington)