Guess The Iron Maiden Song!


Clue #1: Bread, apples, very small rocks
Clue #2:

Incorrect guesses: Isle of Avalon/ Still Life/ The Talisman/ Can I Play with Madness
Well done!

Clue #1: Bread, apples, very small rocks > according to Monty Python's Holy Grail, these are things that float in water (as witches would). "Floating" was the original name of the song.
Clue #2:

"Through the darkness I'll be led"
No to all.

Clue #1: Flight Of Icarus
Clue #2: The Number Of The Beast

Incorrect guesses: Empire Of The Clouds, Where Eagles Dare, Satellite 15...The Final Frontier
Time for another clue.

Clue #1: Flight Of Icarus
Clue #2: The Number Of The Beast
Clue #3: The Talisman

Incorrect guesses: Empire Of The Clouds, Where Eagles Dare, Satellite 15...The Final Frontier, I've Got The Fire, Sign Of The Cross