Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

The Number Of The Beast
Of course! :)

Clue #1:
View attachment 38829 < in this "Treehouse of horror" episode (n°2, season 3), Homer was dreaming in a Frankenstein-pastiche, with Burns as the doctor and a robot (which crushed his body) as the creature. Then Homer wakes up screaming and this dialogue ensues:

BURNS : Perhaps you're wondering why you have two heads. My body was crushed, so I had head grafted onto your... shall we say, ample frame.

HOMER: I can wake up. It's all a dream. It's just a dream.

BURNS : Oh, that's right. It's all a dream... or is it? [manic laughter and cut to black]

// "Can this still be real, or just some crazy dream?"

Clue #2:
View attachment 38830
< this sculpture, called "Broken Chair", is visible in Geneva // in his own words, Martin Birch knew Bruce's performance was going to be great as he recorded the first verse when the singer, out of frustation at Martin still not satisfied, threw and broke chairs in the studio.

Clue #3:
View attachment 38890
< the South Park character is Damien, the son of Satan // the Maiden song is said to derive its inspiration from the film Damien: Omen II (1978).

Clue #4:
View attachment 38948-ED
< "My mind was blank" ("-ED" stands for "past tense", to get you on the right track... well)

Clue #5: On Europe's Last Look At Eden, there is a song whose title AND number of appearance on the album should lead you to the Maiden song we're looking for.
< indeed, the sixth song from this album is "The Beast". Enjoy! :)

Your turn, @Vaenyr