Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #3: The song we're looking for has not been played live. The two songs mentioned in clue #1, on the other hand, have been played live.

Previous Clues:
Clue #1:
The song we are looking for references a character in the lyrics. The same character is referenced in a song on the previous album. A few albums earlier there was even a song about that same character and titled after them.

Clue #2: Multiple songs on the same album as our mystery song have the same exact songwriting credits as the song we are looking for.

Incorrect Guesses: Back In The Village, The Prophecy, Fates Warning, Hooks In You, From Here To Eternity, Judas Be My Guide
The Parchment
That's it!

The third verse has the line "Lord of light in the darkness, our guide". He's referenced in If Eternity Should Fail on the previous album and got an entire song about him on AMOLAD. Both of those songs were played live, while The Parchment hasn't.

Senjutsu features four songs written by Steve. The clue was written in a way to not make it immediately obvious that we were dealing with a single song writer.

Your turn, @Jmaster !
Clue 1:
In the lyrics to this song, you'll find the name of a classic 1970s hard rock album.

Clue 2:
The song has a part that is very reminiscent of a part in another Maiden song.

Familiar guesses: Deja-Vu
Clue 1:
In the lyrics to this song, you'll find the name of a classic 1970s hard rock album.

Clue 2:
The song has a part that is very reminiscent of a part in another Maiden song.

Clue 3:
As noted in clue 2, Maiden sometimes find inspiration (or rehash ideas) from their own catalog. In this song, however, there is also a part that many informed listerer will think of as strongly inspired by another well-known band.

Familiar guesses: Deja-Vu, The Clansman, Lightning Strikes Twice, For The Greater Good of God
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Murders In The Rue Morgue (because of the word "trouble" in the last verse that is also the name of 'Trouble', an album by Whitesnake released in 1978) ?