Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Rime Of The Ancient Mariner

(because of the albatros and the verse "See... onward she come, Onwards she nears, out of the sun, See... she has no crew, She has no life, wait but there's two")
Clue 1: This song has a female character.

Clue 2: The lyrics also mention an animal

Clue 3: The first verse has a line that (if you're into Maiden) will immediately make you think about another Maiden song. If you're more into the Beatles, there is a line in the same verse that points to a song of theirs, too.

Clue 4: The song describes escape, both in an actual and a metaphysical form.

Clue 5:
2024 is a year that marks two anniversaries for the song.

Clue 6:
At first, the lyrics convey a sense of optimism and promise. Later on, a sense of resignation suddenly dominates, before a return to the status quo.

Imprisoned in the Twilight Zone: Twilight Zone, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The Evil That Men Do, Revelations, Moonchild, Phantom of the Opera, Empire of the Clouds, Powerslave, 2 Minutes to Midnight
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Clue 1: This song has a female character.

Clue 2: The lyrics also mention an animal

Clue 3: The first verse has a line that (if you're into Maiden) will immediately make you think about another Maiden song. If you're more into the Beatles, there is a line in the same verse that points to a song of theirs, too.

Clue 4: The song describes escape, both in an actual and a metaphysical form.

Clue 5:
2024 is a year that marks two anniversaries for the song.

Clue 6:
At first, the lyrics convey a sense of optimism and promise. Later on, a sense of resignation suddenly dominates, before a return to the status quo.

Clue 7:
Within the name of the song, you will find the name of a (mainly) 70s band and a hugely successful album by another (mainly) 70s band.

Imprisoned in the Twilight Zone: Twilight Zone, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The Evil That Men Do, Revelations, Moonchild, Phantom of the Opera, Empire of the Clouds, Powerslave, 2 Minutes to Midnight
Clue 1: This song has a female character.

Clue 2: The lyrics also mention an animal

Clue 3: The first verse has a line that (if you're into Maiden) will immediately make you think about another Maiden song. If you're more into the Beatles, there is a line in the same verse that points to a song of theirs, too.

Clue 4: The song describes escape, both in an actual and a metaphysical form.

Clue 5:
2024 is a year that marks two anniversaries for the song.

Clue 6:
At first, the lyrics convey a sense of optimism and promise. Later on, a sense of resignation suddenly dominates, before a return to the status quo.

Clue 7:
Within the name of the song, you will find the name of a (mainly) 70s band and a hugely successful album by another (mainly) 70s band.

Clue 8:
In the midst of the song, the lyrical self encounters a person that may or may not be real.

Imprisoned in the Twilight Zone: Twilight Zone, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The Evil That Men Do, Revelations, Moonchild, Phantom of the Opera, Empire of the Clouds, Powerslave, 2 Minutes to Midnight, These Colours Don't Run
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Clue 1: This song has a female character.

Clue 2: The lyrics also mention an animal

Clue 3: The first verse has a line that (if you're into Maiden) will immediately make you think about another Maiden song. If you're more into the Beatles, there is a line in the same verse that points to a song of theirs, too.

Clue 4: The song describes escape, both in an actual and a metaphysical form.

Clue 5:
2024 is a year that marks two anniversaries for the song.

Clue 6:
At first, the lyrics convey a sense of optimism and promise. Later on, a sense of resignation suddenly dominates, before a return to the status quo.

Clue 7:
Within the name of the song, you will find the name of a (mainly) 70s band and a hugely successful album by another (mainly) 70s band.

Clue 8:
In the midst of the song, the lyrical self encounters a person that may or may not be real.

Clue 9:
You'll hear the drummer before anyone else when you put this track on your music player.

Imprisoned in the Twilight Zone: Twilight Zone, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The Evil That Men Do, Revelations, Moonchild, Phantom of the Opera, Empire of the Clouds, Powerslave, 2 Minutes to Midnight, These Colours Don't Run, From Here to Eternity, Heaven Can Wait
Rainbow's Gold
Mmmh... Yes! That's the winner. Your turn @Black Bart

Clues explained:

Clue 1: This song has a female character.
Sweet Little Girl...

Clue 2: The lyrics also mention an animal

Clue 3: The first verse has a line that (if you're into Maiden) will immediately make you think about another Maiden song. If you're more into the Beatles, there is a line in the same verse that points to a song of theirs, too.
"Catch your sould, he's willing to fly away" --> Hallowed be thy Name
"And your bird, he's singing" --> And Your Bird Can Sing (The Beatles)

Clue 4: The song describes escape, both in an actual and a metaphysical form.
"Packed your bags in a hurry"
"Your soul (...) willing to fly away"

Clue 5:
2024 is a year that marks two anniversaries for the song.
40 years since Maiden released it as B-side on the "2 Minutes to Midnight" single.
50 years ago, Beckett released the original on their self-titled album.

Clue 6:
At first, the lyrics convey a sense of optimism and promise. Later on, a sense of resignation suddenly dominates, before a return to the status quo.
"Heat of the morning", "day is still dawning", "bird's singing"... all good things.
The mid-section repeats the phrase I'm So Tired", before the first verse is repeated.

Clue 7:
Within the name of the song, you will find the name of a (mainly) 70s band and a hugely successful album by another (mainly) 70s band.
Rainbow. Gold (ABBA's Best of album).

Clue 8:
In the midst of the song, the lyrical self encounters a person that may or may not be real.
"I'm not sure if she's really real or make believe / Maybe she's a vision that comes only to me"

Clue 9:
You'll hear the drummer before anyone else when you put this track on your music player.