Clue 1: This song has a female character.
Clue 2: The lyrics also mention an animal
Clue 3: The first verse has a line that (if you're into Maiden) will immediately make you think about another Maiden song. If you're more into the Beatles, there is a line in the same verse that points to a song of theirs, too.
Clue 4: The song describes escape, both in an actual and a metaphysical form.
Clue 5:
2024 is a year that marks two anniversaries for the song.
Clue 6:
At first, the lyrics convey a sense of optimism and promise. Later on, a sense of resignation suddenly dominates, before a return to the status quo.
Clue 7:
Within the name of the song, you will find the name of a (mainly) 70s band and a hugely successful album by another (mainly) 70s band.
Clue 8:
In the midst of the song, the lyrical self encounters a person that may or may not be real.
Clue 9:
You'll hear the drummer before anyone else when you put this track on your music player.
Imprisoned in the Twilight Zone: Twilight Zone, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The Evil That Men Do, Revelations, Moonchild, Phantom of the Opera, Empire of the Clouds, Powerslave, 2 Minutes to Midnight, These Colours Don't Run, From Here to Eternity, Heaven Can Wait