Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Days of Future Past?

Congratulations! :)

Clue #1:
View attachment 34488
< indeed, it is the character Glory (or Glorificus) from the fifth season of BTVS. // "Where's the glory in your name"

Clue #2: It's Raining, Deep in Heaven...
< the Dream Theater song "Trial of Tears" consists of three subparts I - It's Raining II - Deep in Heaven and III - The Wasteland (//"To wander in the wasteland")

Clue #3: the lyrics of this song contain the names of a Helloween song, of a Europe song and of a Whitesnake song.
< Helloween's "Immortal", Europe's "Walk the Earth" and Whitesnake "Forevemore"
see lyrics

Clue #4: George 3rd from 1818 to 1820
< those are the years that the monarch spent as a widower before dying // "A king without a queen"

Clue #5: In the lyrics, there is a line that harks back to the outcome of the story told in an (rather) early single.
< come on people, I deliberately used "hark". How probable is that? :D
// "Hark you angels hear my call
Father witness to my fall"
In "Flight of Icarus", the father also witnessed the fall but also had a hand in it (in Maiden's version).

Clue #6:
< Most of the action in this video clip consists in Bruce goofing around on the beach, or in other words "to wander on the shore".

Clue #7: Remember Tomorrow
< same kind of oxymoron as "future past" (@TheMercenary I though you had it when you used the Doc gif! ;) )

Clue #8: from Ljubljana to Sao Paulo
< obviously, it is a reference to the first and last date of the current tour.

Your turn, @Jmaster . :)
Clue 1: This song has a female character.

Clue 2: The lyrics also mention an animal

Imprisoned in the Twilight Zone: Twilight Zone, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The Evil That Men Do
Clue 1: This song has a female character.

Clue 2: The lyrics also mention an animal

Clue 3: The first verse has a line that (if you're into Maiden) will immediately make you think about another Maiden song. If you're more into the Beatles, there is a line in the same verse that points to a song of theirs, too.

Imprisoned in the Twilight Zone: Twilight Zone, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The Evil That Men Do, Revelations
Clue 1: This song has a female character.

Clue 2: The lyrics also mention an animal

Clue 3: The first verse has a line that (if you're into Maiden) will immediately make you think about another Maiden song. If you're more into the Beatles, there is a line in the same verse that points to a song of theirs, too.

Clue 4: The song describes escape, both in an actual and a metaphysical form.

Imprisoned in the Twilight Zone: Twilight Zone, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The Evil That Men Do, Revelations, Moonchild, Phantom of the Opera
Empire Of The Clouds ?

("Gray Lady, giant of the skies, you hold them in your arms [...] She's the biggest vessel built by man, a giant of the skies"]
Clue 1: This song has a female character.

Clue 2: The lyrics also mention an animal

Clue 3: The first verse has a line that (if you're into Maiden) will immediately make you think about another Maiden song. If you're more into the Beatles, there is a line in the same verse that points to a song of theirs, too.

Clue 4: The song describes escape, both in an actual and a metaphysical form.

Clue 5:
2024 is a year that marks two anniversaries for the song.

Imprisoned in the Twilight Zone: Twilight Zone, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The Evil That Men Do, Revelations, Moonchild, Phantom of the Opera, Empire of the Clouds