Guess the altered Iron Maiden songtitle

Time’s up.

Clue #1:
Clue #2: The modified song title has the same number of syllables as the original, but one extra word

Clue #3: In the movie The Flash, an alternate timeline is created where different versions of familiar heroes exist. The Flash teams up with them to informally create a new version of a familiar grouping. This is the basis of the altered song title.

Clue #4: @TheMercenary picked the correct album with her last guess, but the wrong original song

Clue #5: Marvel has The Avengers, while D.C. has…

Incorrect guesses: Flash And The Mates, When Two Nerds Collide, DC Of Madness, Bring Your DC Daughter To The Slaughter, Can I Play With Marbles, Diverse Gent World, Out Of The Marvels Shadows, The Reincarnation Of DC Marvel Threes
Clue #4: @TheMercenary picked the correct album with her last guess, but the wrong original song

First of all, The Mercenary is a bird? Sorry, then, if I ever offended unknowingly.

Second of all, I genuinely have no idea what this was supposed to be, because her last pick before this clue was Diverse Gent World and I honestly have no idea what song was that supposed to be, but I'll guess Different World? (that's closer than Strange World)

Oh, wait, I didn't read this

Nope, doesn't match clue #2, but you've got the right original song.

Okay, so now we're home.

This doesn't feel fair, because The Mercenary got closer, so I'll put it under tags

The Reincarnation of the Justice League?

Also, why don't I get notifications from this thread? I missed updates when I was hosting and now too.
The Reincarnation of the Justice League?
That's the one.

Clue #1:

This is the reincarnation of the Justice League in The Flash -- the titular hero with Supergirl and Michael Keaton's Batman.

Clue #2: The modified song title has the same number of syllables as the original, but one extra word - "The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg" has 11 syllables and 5 words, while "The Reincarnation Of The Justice League" has 11 syllables and 6 words.

Clue #3: In the movie The Flash, an alternate timeline is created where different versions of familiar heroes exist. The Flash teams up with them to informally create a new version of a familiar grouping. This is the basis of the altered song title. - The "familiar grouping" is the Justice League, and in the film he informally recreates the Justice League with new members, thus "The Reincarnation Of The Justice League".

Clue #4: @TheMercenary picked the correct album with her last guess, but the wrong original song - "Diverse Gent World" was a modification of "Different World" from A Matter Of Life And Death. "The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg" is on the same album.

Clue #5: Marvel has The Avengers, while D.C. has… - ...the Justice League.

Also, why don't I get notifications from this thread? I missed updates when I was hosting and now too.
I think the board starts silently dropping the oldest notified threads once you hit a certain number, if you have it auto-notifying on threads you've participated in. Annoying.

Your turn!
I love it, but no, I wouldn't pick anything requiring the knowledge of a single video game, much as I might love it.

All knowledge that's necessary is purely within the painting.