Guess the altered Iron Maiden songtitle

No to all.

Clue #1:
Clue #2: The modified song title has the same number of syllables as the original, but one extra word

Incorrect guesses: Flash And The Mates, When Two Nerds Collide, DC Of Madness
Can I Play with Marbles ?
Nope, doesn’t match clue #2. Your guess has the same number of syllables as the original title, but it doesn’t have an additional word.

Since this appears to be confusing people, let me give an example. If the original song title were “Once Bitten, Twice Shy”, a modified title that would match clue #2 would be “Once Bit My Left Eye”. Still 5 syllables, but now 5 words instead of 4.
Time’s up, or at least it’s close enough that I’m going to post another clue.

Clue #1:
Clue #2: The modified song title has the same number of syllables as the original, but one extra word

Clue #3: In the movie The Flash, an alternate timeline is created where different versions of familiar heroes exist. The Flash teams up with them to informally create a new version of a familiar grouping. This is the basis of the altered song title.

Incorrect guesses: Flash And The Mates, When Two Nerds Collide, DC Of Madness, Bring Your DC Daughter To The Slaughter, Can I Play With Marbles
Time’s up.

Clue #1:
Clue #2: The modified song title has the same number of syllables as the original, but one extra word

Clue #3: In the movie The Flash, an alternate timeline is created where different versions of familiar heroes exist. The Flash teams up with them to informally create a new version of a familiar grouping. This is the basis of the altered song title.

Clue #4: @TheMercenary picked the correct album with her last guess, but the wrong original song

Incorrect guesses: Flash And The Mates, When Two Nerds Collide, DC Of Madness, Bring Your DC Daughter To The Slaughter, Can I Play With Marbles, Diverse Gent World