GAMES DISCUSSION - submissions welcome!

Opeth referendum?

  • Total voters
Oh btw. Stevie-vivor is the last 2015 Survivor for me. Not planning on starting anything else before the end of the year, this is all just brainstorming :)
I have gone through Zappa's albums and picked out 139 songs for a Zappa Survivor. This covers Zappa's career up through Joe's Garage, and thus most of his classics. (Sorry, no "Valley Girl".)

This is 139 songs, which is a reasonable amount.

=== Round One: Freak Out, Absolutely! === 16 songs === 4 finalists ===

1966 - Freak Out!
Hungry Freaks, Daddy
I Ain't Got No Heart
Who Are the Brain Police?
Motherly Love
How Could I Be Such a Fool?
You Didn't Try To Call Me
Any Way The Wind Blows
I'm Not Satisfied
You're Probably Wondering Why I'm Here
[More] Trouble Every Day
Help, I'm a Rock

1967 - Absolutely Free
Plastic People
The Duke Of Prunes
Call Any Vegetable
Status Back Baby
Brown Shoes Don't Make It

=== Round Two: We're Only in It for the Cruising === 15 songs === 4 finalists ===

1968 - We're Only in It for the Money
Who Needs the Peace Corps?
Concentration Moon
Mom & Dad
Harry, You're a Beast
What's the Ugliest Part of Your Body?
Absolutely Free
Let's Make the Water Turn Black
The Idiot Bastard Son
Lonely Little Girl
Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance
Mother People

1968 - Cruising with Ruben & the Jets
Cheap Thrills
Love of My Life
Jelly Roll Gum Drop
'No. No. No.'

=== Round Three: Last of the Original Mothers === 12 songs === 3 finalists ===

1969 - Uncle Meat
Dog Breath, in the Year of the Plague
A Pound for a Brown on the Bus
[Son of] Mr. Green Genes
Cruising for Burgers
King Kong

1970 - Burnt Weeny Sandwich
Theme from Burnt Weeny Sandwich
Holiday in Berlin
Little House I Used to Live In

1970 - Weasels Ripped My Flesh
My Guitar Wants to Kill Your Mama
Oh No
[Son of] The Orange County Lumber Truck

=== Round Four: Zappa Goes Solo === 14 songs === 4 finalists ===

1969 - Hot Rats
Peaches En Regalia
Willie the Pimp
Little Umbrellas
The Gumbo Variations
It Must Be a Camel

1970 - Chunga's Revenge
Transylvania Boogie
Chunga's Revenge

1972 - Waka/Jawaka
Big Swifty

1973 - The Grand Wazoo
The Grand Wazoo
Cletus Awreetus-Awrightus
Eat That Question
Blessed Relief

=== Round Five: Flo and Eddie === 8 songs === 3 finalists ===

1971 - 200 Motels
Lonesome Cowboy Burt
Penis Dimension
What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning
Magic Fingers
Strictly Genteel

1972 - Just Another Band from L.A.
Billy the Mountain
Eddie, Are You Kidding?

=== Round Six: Over-Nite Sensation === 7 songs === 4 finalists ===

1974 - Over-Nite Sensation
Camarillo Brillo
I'm The Slime
Dirty Love
Zomby Woof
Dinah-Moe Humm

=== Round Seven: Apostrophe & Elsewhere === 15 songs === 5 finalists ===

1974 - Apostrophe (')
Don't Eat the Yellow Snow
Cosmik Debris
Excentrifugal Forz
Uncle Remus

1975 - Roxy & Elsewhere
Penguin in Bondage
Pygmy Twylyte
Dummy Up
Village of the Sun
Echidna's Arf (Of You)
Don't You Ever Wash That Thing?
Be-Bop Tango (Of the Old Jazzmen's Church)

=== Round Eight: One Size Fury === 10 songs === 3 finalists ===

1975 - One Size Fits All
Inca Roads
Po-Jama People
Florentine Pogen
Sen Ber'dino

1975 - Bongo Fury
Debra Kadabra
Carolina Hard-Core Ecstasy
Advance Romance
Muffin Man

=== Round Nine: Enter Bozzio === 13 songs === 4 finalists ===

1976 - Zoot Allures
Wind Up Workin' in a Gas Station
Black Napkins
The Torture Never Stops
Find Her Finer
Zoot Allures
Disco Boy

1978 - Zappa in New York
Titties & Beer
I Promise Not to Come in Your Mouth
Punky's Whips
Honey, Don't You Want a Man Like Me?
The Illinois Enema Bandit
The Black Page
The Purple Lagoon / Approximate

=== Round Ten: Lather Yerbouti === 18 songs === 5 finalists ===

1978 - Studio Tan
The Adventures of Greggery Peccary

1979 - Sleep Dirt
Filthy Habits
Regyptian Strut
The Ocean Is the Ultimate Solution

1979 - Sheik Yerbouti
I Have Been in You
Broken Hearts Are for Assholes
Jones Crusher
Bobby Brown Goes Down
Baby Snakes
Tryin' to Grow a Chin
City of Tiny Lites
Dancin' Fool
Jewish Princess
Wild Love
Yo Mama

=== Round Eleven: Joe's Garage === 11 songs === 3 finalists ===

1979 - Joe's Garage
Joe's Garage
Catholic Girls
Crew Slut
Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?
Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up
A Token of My Extreme
Stick It Out
Dong Work for Yuda
Keep It Greasy
Outside Now
Watermelon in Easter Hay
I would add "Dog Breath Variations"/"Uncle Meat". You could have them as a single entry, as they were usually played together. If not, at least add the Uncle Meat theme, it deserves to be there.

In any case, I would participate in this survivor.
I would add "Dog Breath Variations"/"Uncle Meat".

The song listing is meant to include all versions of a distinct song. "Dog Breath, In the Year of the Plague" is the first song that used the melody; things like "Dog Breath Variations" are considered part of the same entry.

Similar cases: look for square brackets above...

"[More] Trouble Every Day" means both the original "Trouble Every Day" and the later "More Trouble Every Day", just a slower version of the same song.
"[Son of] Orange County Lumber Truck" means both OCLT (the fast version) and Son of the same (slower version with solo sections).

Also, some entries really represent suites. "Don't Eat The Yellow Snow" includes Nanook Rubs It and the Pancake Breakfast.

I really should add a couple more groups. I didn't get the Steve Vai era in there yet. There's probably about 30-40 good songs I didn't get to, which (if added) would make this about the same size as a Maiden survivor.
Two more groups to cover the Steve Vai albums, for a total of 169 songs:

=== Round Twelve: Enter Steve Vai === 16 songs === 4 finalists ===

1981 - Tinsel Town Rebellion
Fine Girl
Easy Meat
For the Young Sophistocate
Tell Me You Love Me
The Blue Light
Tinsel Town Rebellion
Pick Me, I'm Clean
Bamboozled by Love

1981 - You Are What You Is
Harder Than Your Husband
Goblin Girl
You Are What You Is
Mudd Club
The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing
Heavenly Bank Account
Suicide Chump

=== Round Thirteen: Impossible Guitar Parts === 14 songs === 4 finalists ===

1982 - Ship Arriving Too Late to Save a Drowning Witch
No Not Now
Valley Girl
I Come From Nowhere
Drowning Witch

1983 - The Man from Utopia
Cocaine Decisions
The Dangerous Kitchen
The Man from Utopia Meets Mary Lou

1984 - Them Or Us
In France
Stevie's Spanking
Baby, Take Your Teeth Out
Marqueson's Chicken
Be In My Video
Frogs With Dirty Little Lips
Oh, and how about a Pink Floyd survivor? Oh, what a fun would it be to choose which part of Sisyphus will get my vote this round. Or would I vote for Several Species of Small Furry Animals...? :D
Well, they've had a new album since then... which I still haven't listened to yet. :D

(Considering what I've heard about it, that is, a mostly instrumental album consisting of various Gilmour/Mason scraps and outtakes, then Dave implied it's mostly aimed at "ambient" kind of people and the reception from fans has been varying from "okay" to "abominable", is it really any wonder?)
I enjoyed it, if we did a survivor we could just use the 4 "sides" instead of each individual song bit.