GAMES DISCUSSION - submissions welcome!

Opeth referendum?

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Maybe slow down on the amount of Survivors and keep a few running at the same time. 6 or 7 survivors all running at the same time in different stages (Tool, Beatles, Instrumental Game, best song never played, Janick Survivor, Cheesevivor) is overkill IMO. Maybe 3 or 4 at the same time would make it feel less chaotic and improve participation ;)
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I wondered that, but then I probably wouldn't participate in Tool or the Beatles, for example, even if they were the only ones running. It's good to have a selection of survivors on the go, not everyone is into everything, and the Survivors are quite a conversation point in the absence of Maiden news. Right now we have three band survivors, a lighthearted one (Cheesevivor), a long-running epic one (Instrumentals), a Maiden-related one (Janick) and the Tournament of Champions, which has a bit of something for everyone.
Speaking as the guy who once ran 16 Survivors at once: my experience indicates that this forum can handle about 6 games at once before overkill causes loss of participation. When the new album comes out and we get more active members, that will go up to 8 or 10 games for 6 months or so.

Another factor that kills games is drudging through later, lesser albums once all the classics have been promoted, going through many rounds for songs that have no chance before quarterfinals come around. Thus, aside from Maiden and maybe a dozen other bands with solid catalogs, I think the discog-style Survivor I ran has largely had its day here.

With respect to the Classic Rock game: I'm not sure a "clue game" like before is a good idea. I would prefer to run that game as a 512-song knockout. I have compiled the data, crunched the numbers and seeded 512 songs. Such a game requires 129 rounds, but if done in 2 threads like Instrumentals it would only take six months. (assuming 4 battles per round not 2.) 512 may sound like overkill, but the seeding is based on "classic rock radio" rankings, and thus many songs this forum would like better are actually in that lower half (257-512). Also, the idea of the original game was to talk about these "classic top 500" lists, and a lesser amount seems improper.

So, Mosh and NP please put that game in the queue. Six months long whenever it comes up. Give me a rough estimate of how much time until I can start that game, and I will run a "clue game" until the knockout starts. We'll do clues for the top of the list, probably having time for the top 200 or so, and then do the full knockout. Sound cool with everyone?
I wondered that, but then I probably wouldn't participate in Tool or the Beatles, for example, even if they were the only ones running. It's good to have a selection of survivors on the go, not everyone is into everything, and the Survivors are quite a conversation point in the absence of Maiden news. Right now we have three band survivors, a lighthearted one (Cheesevivor), a long-running epic one (Instrumentals), a Maiden-related one (Janick) and the Tournament of Champions, which has a bit of something for everyone.
Basically this. I haven't noticed a drop in votes in any of the games, simply because they are varied. And yeah, because not everyone here is into everything.

People voting in Opeth mostly know the band well enough to only require few relistenings. Same with Beatles. Apart from few early songs, Janick's game is all-Maiden and everyone here knows Maiden well enough to vote. Instrumentals are 99% over, Cheesevivor consists of about 4 songs per week... TOC is all well-known songs. And album games aren't really a factor because they follow the song Survivors and are always short.

Also, I'll put SMX's game into schedule now, we figured it out in chat :)
The "too many survivors" thing seems to come up at least every 6 months or so at this point. I think it comes down to individual people though. If you're burnt out on survivors, just take a break from it. Plenty of us are perfectly fine with the amount of survivors running, and I don't think any of us play in all of them, so I don't see the point in slowing it down.
At the end of the day, Survivors are a recreational thing. It's not too difficult to listen to a band you like, and vote according to your opinion on the songs. If you're tired of it though, as Mosh said, take a break from it for a bit.
The "too many survivors" thing seems to come up at least every 6 months or so at this point. I think it comes down to individual people though. If you're burnt out on survivors, just take a break from it. Plenty of us are perfectly fine with the amount of survivors running, and I don't think any of us play in all of them, so I don't see the point in slowing it down.
I'm gonna quote this every time this question reappears. Well said :ok:
As long as you guys are happy with the amount of people (plenty: how do you measure that? A minimum of 3 or 4 players, apart from the host is OK?) contributing to individual games, it can't hurt much to continue in this tempo. Every player has their own limits, and it's perfectly fine to take a break indeed. E.g. I won't be playing a Pink Floyd survivor because I do not have the time (and interest) to go through their whole discography again, every year. Sometimes I do wonder, if you (organizers/hosters) have any limits when it comes to listening, hosting and playing. It's fine to take a break. Don't be afraid that these games ever die. :)
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I only host one or two games at the same time, so of course I have time for all of that :P I also try to make my Survivors "relistening-friendly" with longer rounds for new albums and stuff like that.

And btw. 5 voters including me is kinda my minimum at the moment. Hosting Opeth and Symphony X with just 3 voters was kinda boring... So that's why I frequently open the polls to see what people wanna play.
I agree, it's all up to choice as to what games you want to play.

Also, I think NP's longer rounds really helps with being able to relisten. It's a shame that more people didn't vote in Symphony X, I'd love to participate in a Symphony X survivor.
Symphony X will be put into the schedule as soon as they announce a date for the new album :)

Anyway, Tournament Of Short Songs is starting tonight! :okok: And Alter Bridge in a couple of days, so start relistening :D
Death and Alter Bridge are switching spots, because I can't host 3 games at once at the moment. So RTC's Death Survivor is starting very soon :)
Alter Bridge will follow Opeth. I wanted to do Nightwish after Opeth, but I decided to wait for their new album with Floor, because I have a very good feeling about it and want to have it in the Survivor. So Nightwish Survivor will happen for sure as soon as the new album is released. If I have to host something to pass the time, I might fit in another Sabaton Survivor, on popular request :D