Re: Forostar's Top 50 Iron Maiden songs
Jupz said:
Fates Warning would be way lower for me, but I do love Judgement of Heaven!
Good to see another Judgement of Heaven fan out there!
CriedWhenBrucieLeft said:
Another 90's number --a decade certainly not being overlooked by you Forostar!
Absolutely not indeed. A great decade for Maiden.
CriedWhenBrucieLeft said:
And, another track co-written by Murray; interesting. This is, literally, the only Top 50 in town!
Viperlord said:
The 90s tracks making their way into this list are certainly unique. I always thought Fates Warning was one of the few redeeming songs on No Prayer, though I doubt it would make my top 50.
Cheers guys for the appreciation of my picks.

(until now that is.

Robbiedbee said:
I always liked the lyrics on Fates Warning. I was just in the pub with my brother and we were just saying that a lot of No Prayer... is underrated.
It is indeed. With my song reviews I hope to describe its qualities as well as I can.
Now it's time to grab some rotten fruit again:
No. 33 - Isle of Avalon
(Murray/Harris, 2010 -> on stage-status: never played)
The most Rushiest song Maiden ever did (the rhythm preceding and during H's solo, and the solo itself as well, even).
That intro is so spellbinding, and an excellent display of what this band can do with three guitars. Great mix, really an awesome soundscape in which you can get lost with headphones. The bass playing, the use of atmospherical sounds, and the general feel remind me of the beginning of Samson's
Walking Out On You from
Head On (1980), a great album on which Bruce was the singer, and on which Steve co-wrote the basis for The Ides of March.
I sometimes dream this will be in Maiden's set.... what a moment that would be. Can you imagine the rush of blood through the veins when that intro kicks in?