European Politics

No independence. Too much fear of consequences (also fed by lies). But something has changed. People (especially youth) are more aware and things should change for the better in Scotland.

Nick Clegg:
"A vote against independence was clearly not a vote against change and we must now deliver on time and in full the radical package of newly devolved powers to Scotland."

These stats say that the youth can still hope:
The variation in No support in different kind of councils is very much in line with some of the expectations in advance of the night about the kinds of places in which the No campaign would do relatively well.

The No vote was generally higher in places with a relatively high migrant population from the rest of the UK, in places with a relatively high middle-class population, in places where there are more older people and in the more rural half of Scotland. These patterns are illustrated by the following figures:

1 - the No vote has averaged 64% in those councils where more than 12% of the population was born in the rest of the UK and just 53% in those where less than 8% were born elsewhere in the UK

2 - the No vote averaged 60% where more than 30% of the population are professional and managerial but only 51% where less than 26% are in professional managerial occupations.

3 - the No vote was 61% on average in those places where more than 24% of the population were aged 65 and over but only 51% where less than 21% are over 65 and over

4 - the No vote at 60% was higher in the more rural half of Scotland than in the more urban half where it averaged just 53%.
Come on Scotland:

Open the page at chapter one
Could this just be that life's just begun
Forever within your darker thoughts
Reflecting on everything you've been taught

Never felt this way before
Seems that somebody's just opened the door
To the book of life... or is it death
Is there ever anyway out

Someone's looking down on me
To the very inner core of my soul
They won't tell me what they see
But I really want to know

I want to leave my life on my own
I want to lift the unturned stone
I want to walk right into the fire
I want to live out all my desires
I want to go and see the fire burn
I want to see and feel my world turn
I want to know what more there's to learn
I want to pass the point of no return

Do you really wanna be
Just another one statistic or feel
That you really should aspire
That you really do deserve more

Do you ever really feel
That you have so much potential inside
What you really have to give
Could be realized so much more

And of course one for the nay sayers:
And as I wait and look for an answer
To all the things going round in my head
I ask myself could it be a disaster and when
It's maybe threatening to happen again
Country still the same shape this morning, that's the result I expected. I'd like to think the whole experience will have Westminster thinking hard in general about how it might need to move with the times, not just about devolved powers in Scotland.
If the UK will vote to leave the European Union, Scotland will have a reason to hold another independence referendum, much sooner than in the opposite situation.
Alex Salmond has resigned.
THIS IS THE GREATEST DAY EVER!!!!!!!! :D:applause::cheers::nana:

I wonder how this will go:

If the UK will vote to leave the European Union, Scotland will have a reason to hold another referendum way sooner than when the UK votes to stay.
I doubt anyone gives that much of a shit about the EU. Westminster probably wouldn't allow another referendum so soon anyway and there's no guarantee that there will be an In-Out referendum or that we'd vote to leave.
Lots of people in Scotland care about the EU, especially in the North. Westminster is going to be less and less important, and will give more autonomy to all the states.
I don't know what you're talking about, Foro. The liars in this case were the Yes vote. No told the calm truth most of the time.
Lots of people in Scotland care about the EU, especially in the North. Westminster is going to be less and less important, and will give more autonomy to all the states.

The North voted to stay in the Union. Hell, everywhere except Glasgow and Dundee voted to stay in the Union. If the Highlands of Scotland don't want to be free, who could be?
Foro, get your head out of your ass. In what world is Brussels/Strasbourg a better option than Westminster? The EU only matters on the continent.