European Politics

I am annoyed by the "fuck off" and the "get your head out of your ass" comments.
edit: alright: the "fuck off" had a smiley! that was OK! ;)
Then why did he resign?
The "no" sounds like a good enough reason to resign. Obviously Salmond must be disappointed by the outcome.

He has led his party for a total of 20 years, also said there were a "number of eminently qualified and very suitable candidates for leader", although the current deputy first minister Nicola Sturgeon, also deputy SNP leader, would be seen as a clear frontrunner.
Fair enough, still don't quite get why you're disappointed either, but I haven't really paid attention to anything beyond the voting numbers, as I couldn't vote myself so it didn't really make much difference what I thought.
My mother is a teacher and has heard some amusing things with respect to pupil's views on the referendum this week. Apparently this morning some people in the highest year were crying about the result because they were desperate for independence. :lol: Also, a few days ago a boy who has a paper round was taking down Yes posters first thing in the morning and putting them in his bag. He said that if the result was Yes then he'd sell them on eBay.

One funny thing I witnessed was some young kids playing in my street. One of them must have seen a sticker in someone's car or house window as he said "Ew, they're voting Yes", to which another kid replied "I'm voting No". One of them asked how old you have to be to vote and an older girl told them they need to be 16. :D
Even by changing the election age, SNP couldn't get a victory. I find *that* very interesting. In Quebec, the younger you get, the more likely you are to want to be in Canada. In Scotland, it's the other way around.

Perhaps the UK needs to steal Heritage Minutes from us.
The chat for that stream...

"Cameron is a Nazi, vote was rigged, fuck England"
"UK Forever"
"Drunken English fags want to fight police"
"Death to jews and loyalist bastards"
"I spit on the UK flag, I wipe my arse with it and burn it"
"Kill the British pig bastards"
"No voters fuck off back to England"
"Yesterday we had hope, aspirations & peace, now we have is Nazi salutes, violent bullies & riots....that's why we're better together."

Yeah... as I said, vote will divide nation regardless of result.

Thing is, I'm pretty sure those in favour of yes vote weren't quite so aggressive in the past.

EDIT: This comments great: "I'm God ashamed on my english name tonight and so glad my family decided to fucking leave the UK 14 generations ago" ... why are you ashamed of the English, it was only Scots who were allowed to vote?
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Ofc, plus the fact that those in favor of the No vote are likely out celebrating.

It was more the sheer level of hatred that there seemed to be, and the fact they are blaming the English for the vote result :P
This comments great: "I'm God ashamed on my english name tonight and so glad my family decided to fucking leave the UK 14 generations ago" ... why are you ashamed of the English, it was only Scots who were allowed to vote?

Many names of Scottish descent are actually translations to English from original Gaelic names. My family name Armstrong was once MacGhillielàidir.
Many names of Scottish descent are actually translations to English from original Gaelic names. My family name Armstrong was once MacGhillielàidir.

Doesn't have any relation to my question - the result of the vote had NOTHING to do with the English, so why does having an English name, translated or otherwise, have any relevance for anyone? saying they are ashamed of the name implies they don't wish to be associated with the English due to the result of the vote, yet the vote was entirely conducted by Scots.

Also, after 14 generations the only real thing that comes to mind is 'get over it'.

EDIT: What I mean rather, is it doesn't explain why someone would be ashamed. My name is translated from Gaelic too (although I couldn't tell you what from, and I'm only 3rd Generation English, so our name was translated while they were still in Scotland).
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