European Politics

I know that Per and I do feel good about them. For example, when people make fun of me because of my shitty ass whiny/bitchy posts of before, my tendency to overstate and give too much information, it's all good. I laugh at those stuff myself.
Better late than never

A former Hungarian interior minister has been found guilty of war crimes over the suppression of the October 1956 uprising against communist rule.

Bela Biszku, 92, was convicted of ordering security forces to open fire on civilians, killing 49 people.

The anti-communist revolt toppled the government but was put down by the invasion of forces from the Soviet Union three weeks later.

This was the first trial in Hungary of a former top communist.

Biszku was sentenced to five years and six months in prison. He has the right to appeal.

He was a member of the interim executive committee which set up militias to suppress the uprising.

In December 1956, 49 people died when the militias opened fire indiscriminately on two rallies, in Budapest and the town of Salgotarjan.

Biszku was also found guilty of other charges, including denying crimes committed by the communist regime - a crime in Hungary, like Holocaust denial.

He is the only surviving member of the 1956 executive committe

Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of France's far-right Front National, has suggested the deadly virus Ebola could solve the global "population explosion" and by extension Europe's "immigration problem".

At a cocktail party before an election rally in Marseille on Tuesday evening, days before the European elections in which the FN is leading the polls in France, Le Pen spoke of the "demographic explosion" in the world.

"Monseigneur Ebola could sort that out in three months," he said in front of journalists.

Later, addressing supporters, Le Pen, 85, said he feared the French population risked being "replaced … by immigrants".
If they were not popular, you would not hear of them. There are plenty of unknown idiots. I am sitting next to one right now.
Popular idiots :S

Eh. The FN never took the French government, despite the fact that Le Pen has been shouting this stuff as loud as he could for decades now. I remember learning about him in grade 8, 15 years ago. He's a populist, but he was never popular.
I wouldn't underestimate the current popularity of right wing political parties. FN is on the rise. In fact they are leading the polls in France.

His daughter is the current leader but now and then she brings him along to win votes. She and Wilders and other European parties want to form a new right wing coalition.

Vlaams Belang (Belgium)
Front National (France)
Lega Nord (Italy)
FPÖ (Austria)
Dansk Folkeparti (Denmark)
Sverigedemokraterna (Sweden)
PVV (Netherlands)

All these parties have politicians which have said some controversial (to put it mildly) things.

If I understood well, one or two of these parties might not have enough votes to make this possible, but FN will probably become the biggest of them all.

In Western Europe there is lots of anti-Europe sentiment, and in Eastern Europe, the countries want to collaborate (more pro-Europe), out of fear for their big red neighbour. Lots of different intentions, this could become a chaotic mess (if it isn't already).
Right Wing parties are always on the rise. Cod, there's nothing else I hear about them. They're always on the rise everywhere, and they have been on the rise for the past 18 years ever since I got interested in politics. They've been on the rise so much that I'm puzzled why they aren't the biggest political force everywhere.

True, FN is leading the polls in France in absolute numbers. But relatively speaking, they still have only 24%. And polls are just polls. They aren't the end results.

Currently, I find it very difficult to get a clear picture of what is actually happening in Europe, politically. Polls have been very inaccurate in recent years, at least in Germany. The traditional media (TV, print, radio) face serious accusations of losing touch with the population. The internet is unreliable because all it takes is two or three people to troll a news site comment section and make it seem like everybody is voting for one party. Most importantly, nobody knows how many people will actually vote on Sunday, and which party will motivate the most supporters. In the end, we won't know anything before Sunday evening.
Polls are having problems everywhere, I imagine it is worse in non 2 party systems. From cell phones replacing landlines to more "low information" voters and more partisan pollsters has really thrown them off.

I am guessing there is also some rise in left wing parties (which oddly people do not seem to worry about as much) along with the right wing parties as people are dissatisfied with the status quo. Improved economy/positive feelings for the future and the "rise" of the left/right wings subsides.