European Politics

'Fraid not. I registered a few months ago, but they mustn't have got my details in the post, so they've sent a card for the previous tenant. I could always have lied, of course.....
Oh, it's just administrative carp. I should really have checked I was on the electoral roll before they sent the polling cards out. I just saw the card and didn't take in the name. I could always change my name to Jonelle and lose 15 years, though.
I do care. We have/had a UKIP MEP who specialised in insulting anyone and everyone, and a BNP one, neither being good representatives of my region. As for the local authority elections, I know all the candidates and don't like any of them!
German exit polls have conservatives in the majority and social democrats at 27.6%. No surprises anywhere, but still painful to read that the Nazis get 0.8% and thus a seat in the parliament.
Well, it's likely that they'll always have a seat. It's not a big deal, it's just not nice to read.