European Politics

I don't think Norway will honestly care for what Saudi Arabia says.

Neither do I. Especially not when they talk about "inequalities in riches" in a country where the hundreds of princes compete about who has more Rolls Royce cars while most manual labor in the country is carried out by foreign workers who are treated like property.

The fact that we actually do business there is not something that makes me proud.

That being said - a couple of the other things mentioned (not by Saudi Arabia) are things I can understand. The long custody periods for people who are under investigation for crimes are often criticized domestically as well. And the children welfare authority has an approach that obviously will appear odd to many immigrants. The threshold for taking a child out of the parent's home and place him/her in a foster care home or in a youth institution appears to be low here. If one comes from a culture where it is unheard of that the state can do this at all, of course it will cause trouble. This topic too does cause debate domestically from time to time.

But still - my country being criticized over human rights by Saudi Arabia will not cause me to lose any sleep.
Rebels Shoot Down Ukraine Helicopter in Slovyansk; Russia Denounces Assault on City

Pro-Russian rebels shot down two Ukrainian helicopters on Friday, killing two crew, as troops tightened their siege of separatist-held Slovyansk and Moscow accused Kyiv of launching a "criminal" assault that wrecked hopes of peace.

Though Ukrainian forces appeared to be carrying out one of their most concerted military operations yet, their advance on the ground was limited. Nevertheless, President Vladimir Putin's spokesman accused Kyiv of firing on civilians from the air in a "punitive operation" that destroyed an international peace plan.

Russia was "extremely worried" about the fate of Russians in the city, including an envoy sent to help free German and other foreign hostages, the Kremlin spokesman said.

The dramatic language seems to raise the stakes, as Moscow has tens of thousands of troops massed on the border and claims the right to invade if needed to protect Russian speakers.
Many pro-Russia rebels have been killed, injured and arrested in the Ukrainian government offensive in the eastern city of Sloviansk, acting President Oleksandr Turchynov has said.

In a statement, he said the operation in the rebel-held city was not going as quickly as hoped.

Rebels have shot down two Ukrainian army helicopters, killing a pilot and a serviceman. Seven have been injured.

The UN Security Council is meeting in emergency session at Russia's request.

Moscow has said the use of the Ukrainian army against its own people is "leading Ukraine to catastrophe".

The situation in Sloviansk remains unclear.
This is terrible. It's unbelievable that these things are happening in Europe. In fucking Europe.

(click image to enlarge)

In many European countries, political parties are using fear of foreigners to gain votes.

The number of foreigners residing in various European countries are often a topic of intense debate, for example in the UK where UKIP have argued that too many foreigners have been let into the country - both from other EU-countries and other nations.

However, if you look at the map here, made by Eurostat, the actual numbers of foreigners in the UK are not that different from other Western European countries - and actually somewhat lower than many of its neighbours. ... (continues here)

If the parliament had the authority to elect the EU Commission and decidedly veto against the free trade agreement with the US, then I'd be really passionate about the upcoming elections. This way, I'll vote, but won't feel any different about it.
I'm not gonna lie, it pisses me the fuck off that my tongue-in-cheek remark regarding overreacting to survivors turned into a signature of mine. I'm not the guy to talk shit about having myself made fun of, I quite like it, but I'm made fun of for the thing that I was making fun of. Come on.
I'm not gonna lie, it pisses me the fuck off that my tongue-in-cheek remark regarding overreacting to survivors turned into a signature of mine. I'm not the guy to talk shit about having myself made fun of, I quite like it, but I'm made fun of for the thing that I was making fun of. Come on.

This, for example, doesn't bother me in the least. It's funny. Just trying to get my point across here. That infamous post was a reaction to genuine posts in that sense. I even put too much emphasis on it so that it'd be obvious that I was kidding.
Flash, seriously. We're all teasing each other all the time. It's a good-natured thing. You should feel honoured by the fact that you're making such an impression on us.