European Politics

There have been debates about plastic bags in some cities in the US, a bad idea IMO.  Many stores have started giving you a credit if you bring your own bags/charge you if you do not and that is probably the better way to go.  Putting raw meat in a cloth bag is a poor idea for health reasons and I am not sure raising the demand for paper bags does a lot of good either.

The sensible solution to me (not that this is a huge problem) is to give people a credit for each bag they bring and bag meat in plastic for free.  Over time, that will reduce the amount of plastic bags used and you will not have people getting e-coli from meat juices that come out of the packing into cloth/reusable bags.
As you guys know, there's a lot of talk going on about Greece.

Main question: Shall "we" again help them by giving more money?
The country is in a large debt. One of the problems is that this debt is increasing constantly.
The country might be the most corrupt of all nations in Europe.
To get all the money back, is an illusion.

On TV I heard the following comparison which may be weird to do, but it's interesting to think about it:

Lots of money was invested in Eastern Germany. Reason: it was "part of" Germany.
Do we want to invest Greece, because it is part of Europe?

Here a few articles to show how hot these discussions can become in other European nations. This happens in the Netherlands:

A war of words has broken out between populist anti-Islam and Eurosceptic MP Geert Wilders and the president of the Dutch central bank, Nout Wellink on the debt crisis in Greece.
by Jacqueline Nolan

Mr Wellink called Mr Wilders “a false prophet on economic matters” during a talkshow on national TV yesterday evening.

Earlier, the leader of the Freedom Party (PVV) lashed out against bailing out a debt-stricken Greece and said in De Telegraaf daily that Greece should quit the euro zone and return to the drachma. He added that it was totally senseless to help Greece out again.

Wilders doesn’t like his own
During the TV show, the Dutch central bank chief claimed that Mr Wilders “mustn’t like his own people too much if he’s calling on them not to give any more money to Greece”.

Mr Wellink, who is also a member of the European Central Bank Governing Council, said lengthening Greece’s debt maturities was not a solution to the problems. If anything, he argued, it could lead to a chain reaction affecting other European countries and banks.

Accountability Day
In a parliamentary debate today, Mr Wilders attacked the government on the whole Greece crisis, clashing with the chairman of the governing conservative VVD, Stef Blok. Mr Blok said his party was distancing itself from the Freedom Party’s stance.

The VVD is the largest party in a coalition government with the Christian Democrats. As they don't have a parliamentary majority, they rely on Mr Wilders' PVV support in parliament.

Today and yesterday are what’s known as “Accountability Days” in Dutch parliament. On the third Wednesday of May each year, the government defends its financial policy. Mr Wilders is using the focus on finances to rally support for his anti-Greece crusade.

Domino effect
Mr Blok warned that if Greece falls, Ireland and Portugal were likely to follow, which in turn would threaten Italy and Spain and lead to a collapse in European trade. The PVV chief dismissed the arguments of both Mr Blok and Mr Wellink as “scare-mongering”.

Dutch Finance Minister Jan Kees de Jager recently warned of the difficulty of maintaining public support for huge bailouts of troubled peripheral euro zone countries. The International Monetary Fund has sent out reassurances that it will only shore up Greece's finances if the country pledged to intensify reform efforts.


Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and populist Freedom Party (PVV) leader Geert Wilders clashed in parliament today over more financial aid for Greece. Mr Wilders is against a further bailout, saying that Greece should quit the euro.

The minority coalition of the conservative VVD and Christian Democrats (CDA) relies on support from the PVV on a majority of issues. However, the Greek euro crisis has caused a major divide between the PVV and the coalition parties.

The PVV and the opposition Socialist Party are against more financial aid for Greece. However, the government’s position of not ruling out more aid has the support of Labour, the D66 democrats and Green Left - all opposition parties.

During today’s debate on the issue, Mr Rutte accused Mr Wilders of a lack of political leadership and denounced his stand against further aid for Greece as electioneering.

Mr Wilders in turn said the prime minister was “frittering away the interests of Dutch citizens with loans to Greece”. He said the money would never be paid back. Opposition parties challenged Mr Wilders to table a motion of no-confidence in the government, but he declined.

Mr Rutte claimed not to be impressed by Mr Wilders’ rhetoric. He taunted that “the PVV leader’s gale-force words” had become a well-known phenomenon, saying that they “didn’t shock people anymore”.
I read in the newspapers that Greece has the largest average pension in Europe. That number is approximately 95% of the average salary.
It angers some Europeans that they their pension starts at 50 (or something).
They should work more as well. Also in non-touristic seasons.

As long as they keep life easy for themselves, it's hard to see the need of helping them.
Forostar said:
It angers some Europeans that they their pension starts at 50 (or something).
Yeah, it's no wonder that they're in this state now. I was shocked that their pension is larger than some much richer European countries.
I am not sure how anyone ever thought 50 was a sustainable pension age, was this set up in 1920 .. that is insane and bound to fail.
Forostar said:
It angers some Europeans that they their pension starts at 50 (or something).
They should work more as well. Also in non-touristic seasons.

As long as they keep life easy for themselves, it's hard to see the need of helping them.
Where is retirement at 50 standard?
In Greece, apparently. It's not the standard, but it's the early retirement age for many work groups.

In Norway, for comparison, the standard retirement age is 67 and early retirement at 62, except for certain work groups like pilots.
Eddies Wingman said:
In Greece, apparently. It's not the standard, but it's the early retirement age for many work groups.

In Norway, for comparison, the standard retirement age is 67 and early retirement at 62, except for certain work groups like pilots.

That is just insane (Greece, not Norway).  no wonder they have problems,  I would hope the EU would try to tie any aid to them to reforms for stupidity like this.  The life expectence in Greece is about 81 (rounding up here).  So, if you do not start working until 16 and stop at 50 and live an average life, you work 34 years (the first 6 to 10 you are probably not really contributing much either)  and do not work for 47 years ... does not compute.
That almost worked - like when someone gives a cheesy dramatic speech in a cheap Hollywood movie and the soundtrack comes in to emphasise the drama. :D
This was funny as well. Apparently Obama's car is called "The Beast"!

Check out how it got stuck in Dublin.

Funny, the booing when a bus blocks the site of the audience.

Born to be released!
I saw that one the other day. What was interesting was when the security guard got out of the car, you could see just how thick the car door was - something like a foot thick. The car can be made impenetrable to almost any attack, but cannot get over a simple ridge whilst driving out of the US Embassy in Dublin. And when you think about it, it could give some anti US fanatics an idea of how to disable The Beast.

But I'm sure they won't make the same mistake again....
The biggest stench that was ever put on bread is banned from Denmark.

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm talking about the love-it-or-hate-it product called:


Reason: too many vitamins and minerals!

I want my country to ban this product as well. Can't stand it!  :D