Okay, why are you? So you do not find it funny, that's okay. But all of the accounts I have come across have been pretty blatantly fake (and some real ones too, as the Legatodave quote above shows) and wishing someone to be banned because they made fun of you (and that one was not me, btw) is pretty disproportional retribution, imho.


Okay, I'll stop. Just let's all chill, okay? My fake accounts have been CRIED and holyadrian and if anyone has been offended or mislead by those, I apologise. I'd still like to keep them, though. :p

First of all, I haven't seen all of them as blatantly false at first...Some of them I thought were genuine new members and I don't think its fair that I have to second guess every member that signs up on this forum if they're genuine or someone's false joke account....

Also, the ban thing I said at first jokingly..but yes it did very much annoy me that someone chose to pull a joke on me while at the same time hiding behind a fake name. I did not like not knowing who this person was. Could be anyone here or an outsider? That, to me, was not a very nice feeling....
Just had a pretty heated drunk conversation with a man if Maiden played Ljubljana in 1983 or not. He stated that he was at that concert that didn't happen. He even changed Wikipedia dates from 84 to 83. What a dickhead.