...at all these second accounts! :p
You still mad about them getting removed? :D Looks like the Hawaii Dave account was removed now.
Them = the second accounts that I mentioned...
How the hell would I know if it was removed? :D
It = Hawaii Dave, that you just mentioned; and widely reported to be someone's "second account"...
I didn't ask you if it was :D:facepalm:
Your the only one that's mentioned "Hawaii Dave" in this thread, so...
Did I ask you if the Hawaii Dave account was removed? No.
You just did.
From the discussion that we had the other day with the mods in the 100k thread that all fake accounts should be removed is what I was referring to. Give it a fucking break. Everyone should be happy that people can't just make up second accounts to stir shit.
So are you happy? :D
(Also, I never had any discussion with the mods...)
Yeah, because that'd be the end of the world.
Getting that mixed up with Trump.