I thought thid topic was in the Community thread. Well, my dear Maidenfans mates. I wish you a grea evening. I esoeciallt think about Per who's kind of in the same situation as I am: drinking wodka and hacing a great time in a foreigb counyry with family in law. Damn, can't type on s pgone with continuous wodka.
I thought thid topic was in the Community thread. Well, my dear Maidenfans mates. I wish you a grea evening. I esoeciallt think about Per who's kind of in the same situation as I am: drinking wodka and hacing a great time in a foreigb counyry with family in law. Damn, can't type on s pgone with continuous wodka.
Perun's not thinking of you. He's thinking of his lovely woman who loves his favourite song! :p
I thought thid topic was in the Community thread. Well, my dear Maidenfans mates. I wish you a grea evening. I esoeciallt think about Per who's kind of in the same situation as I am: drinking wodka and hacing a great time in a foreigb counyry with family in law. Damn, can't type on s pgone with continuous wodka.

I'll never forget us having the Moskivsjaya at my place. I'm having Polski Vodka now. With Bulgarski people who want to flatter me by playing the Panzerlied.
Eastwrn Europe FTW.
Aargh yes. Hottest day of the year. Ehec. 6 hour train trip, no airco. Felt like a fool but you were great compan and guide.
I thought thid topic was in the Community thread. Well, my dear Maidenfans mates. I wish you a grea evening. I esoeciallt think about Per who's kind of in the same situation as I am: drinking wodka and hacing a great time in a foreigb counyry with family in law. Damn, can't type on s pgone with continuous wodka.
Na zdrowie!
So I saw this at my local 7-11, and I just couldn't resist:

It's...not bad. :)
I didn't realize you were the Drinking police, Cried. I apologize for derailing the thread with my semi-sobriety.

As punishment, I'm going to drink some more. :p
Your presence in this thread is totally permissible provided you are either drunk or conversing with someone who is drunk. You could also be sober but discussing how you were once drunk & had eight lady friends around you; one of them was probably pregnant. Your name would be Saap though.