ever have one of those nightas where you arent exopecitn to get drunk, btu low and belhold, you end up that way on accident?  i must hwave not eaten so much today... was busy working on my hot (ha ah) cb one two fiver ... so I came home in my -6 (yeah, not so much room to complain, but the old 88 f150 hates this weather!! [ever noticet hat the ~~~ is really close to the !!!, and if you aren't careful, instead of an exclamation, you jut have a ~~~~, which I'm not so sure what the name of it is off the top of my head])... so anyway, home and cold, fire going, grilled a hame and cheese sandwich with a very yummy family size bag of cool ranchf doritos (and, yes, i have nacho as well, but was in the mood for something else different than the usuall, and I was out of Sterzings[which none of you out there have ever sampled, since they ar a local potato chip delicacy-- if you are a fan of potato chips and want to try some, let me know, cause the place that frys them are in the town that i work in-- i ship a case or so out now and then to a buddy of mine in denver]).... I think i wrote that ritht... so, with that all in place (jesus christ, my phone has rung about fifty fucking times!!! I left it at home today, and its like tht phne is pissed at me and is getting me back... I can't type 4 fuckign words without the fone ringing-- "how is your car?" "are youok?" can you take me to my friends house tomroorw?"  -- car is fucked, i'm fine, i have a pickup wht a benchs eat, so I am only taking 2 passengers, find a way to live iwth that)..... back to my grilled cheese, it was tasty with a littl eham on it, but I had this bottle of wine i opened the other night when the GF came over, but i was the only one drinking, and didn't wanna drink too much so as to take away from anything else that one may wanna do, so I went ahead and poured it empty into my glass and began drinking that.... ok, so prob doesn't go (fucking fone is ringing again!) but what the hell, it's thursday and as we allways say ( I had a boss that couldn't spell and he always spelled 'always' as 'allways' and he spelled maybe as 'mabe'... what the hell is a mabe?... cours he spelled their as thier... funny, huh?)  ..... anyway, it is thurdsay, and we say 'F thursday!'... I know i've seen that from Deano, and he is in the know!  so, now, since i wasn't expecting it, i am pretty happily buzzed... not so much 'drunk' as just very happily buzzed... tho, i am having a hard time keeping all my words making sense in my phone convos... i wish that fucking thing would quit ringing!!!! christ!  'can you pay me my child support?' ? can you drive me somewhere else?" ....no, bitem y asse!  -- ok, maybe those answerse should be the other way around....

hm,last CSI with grissom... wonder if that is really a loss....  I do like that dude, but i think tha CSI has gotten a little boring for me lately... course all the good shows have gotten bumped off the air.

ok,... enouf from me for this thread...

peace!!!  (damn, now i am wanting to listen to some queensryche, cause that is what deano seems to do whild drunk, and I don't have any parallell univers shows on the tube fright now...)
Hi. As you may have guessed, I have submitted myself to the glorious art of alcoholisation this night. The delicacy of the matter is emphasosed by the fact that I have to, HAVE TO attend a lecture in five hour's time.
I have been a student for three years, or seven semester now (count 05/06, 06, 06/07, 07/08, 08, 08/09) now and I have never attended a lecture drunk or after a night of heavy drinking (that is likely not true, but I'd like it to be). So this might be the first time. I'm not going to sleep now because I'm not gonna wake up in time, and I have to attend this lecture, which is crap but true. Fuck isnt it.

I have to pay my respect to Deano/D&N, who got pissed to what is probabl y the best heavy metal album ever ot be released, or at least one of them. I'M listeing to Eyes of a Stranger myself rigth now, and for a long itme it was one of my favourite songs ever. BRILLIANR FUCKING SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have opted to play some Civilisation II now, which is my favourite game ever. I have to keep myself occupied till eight in the morning.

I wanted to quote myself from today. I tried to quote Shakespeare, but instead of "crown", I said "toad", which was funny because the German words for "crown" and "toad" sound fairly alike and it was really funny, but you wouLN't get it. Linguistic word plays are a great thing but they cant be translated............... the bloke behing the bar tonight played Maiden at Dortmund in 1983, and I baffled everyone because I could tell wht it was right away. I'm such a Maiden Nerd! :D I'm actually happy about it becausse everybody has to be a nerd about something, for me its Maiden and Iran.

What else di I want to say? Oh yeah, I wanted to leave you with the lyrics to what is perhaps one of the best heavy metal songs ever, and when I say that I mean REAL FUCKING HEAVY METAL, not that soft crap people paly nowadays, not that commercial shit and noth tah poorly produced bulllshit which has about as much to do with HEAVY METAL as i do with KwaZulu-Natalian brick buildings. So 'ere it comes: Angel Witch - Angel Witch from the album Angel Witch, 1980.

Nobody else could see you
The same way as myself
Fly high and touch the sky
You're the angel I adore

If only you could feel for me
That I feel for you
Why do you ignore me angel
Why can't I go with you?

You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch

The more love I feel for you
The more you fade away
Why don't you come and love me
Do I have to stand this way?

I'm gonna go insane
If nothing happens soon
I look out at the night
To see a shadow by the moon

You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch

Walk through the forest
I can feel that you're there
Why do you run away?
I never hurt you
I never hurt you
That'd be the last thing that I'd do

You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch

(In true fucking Cockney accent)

You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch

You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch
You're an angel witch...

Now, I'm having soup. I lvoe this song. I love everything. And this soupo which I made all by myself earlier today when I was sober. And so on.

BTW, that SHakespeare quote was supposed to be from Julius Caesar.
Wasted, they're called tildis. Onhell can explain that to you better.

and don't worry Per, sometimes lectures can seem more interesting drunk, glad you included the Angel Witch, I must be long over due on that because I've never heard it (I don't think). Time to remedy that as well as a million other things.

To both: Cool, glad you liked the Mindcrime rant, it is, to me, the best metal album ever. I don't listen to it every time I get drunk but 5 drunks don't go by without it getting a play.

<<sober post>> <<sigh>>
D&N said:
Wasted, they're called tildis. Onhell can explain that to you better.
And they're on the opposite side of the keyboard from my viewpoint. So I will never make the mistake of pressing ~ instead of !. :D

Yaymy firstdrunkopst hwre. Im on berlinright and I'm fucking drunk. I drank a keg of 2 liters of beer you cant do that anywhere bit Germany. Al my friends eent to a club and I was left alone there. I puked once but it wadbnt from the alcohol but the 2 liters of beer in my stonech. So now I'm going to skeeop fuching drunk and ill gave a huge hangover tomorrow. Shit im going to sleep now but ill drink water first ohh shit 
LM AO Invader....I'm raising a bottle of Killian's to you right now. I've been drinking since about 2pm, just some beers(Killian's and Sam Adams). I need to blow off some steam right now. I am not usually an emotional drinker(like when  you've had a shitty day and such). This is more like buzzed posting, but I am going to wathc the NHL AllStar game, maybe I'll take a shot of tequila everytime a goal is scored.
Yerr and still am, leaving tomorrow. Sorry, I guess I should have arranged a meeting or something but I thought it wouldnt work out since im pretty busy and my cell phone doesnt even eork outside Finland.  I'm here with sum friends and were in a hostel. I'm not drunk now but I've had a few beers and going to slrrp now. Damn you guys have awesome beer here.
Weird enough i wasnt hung over too much today. I felt pretty good but I couldn't eat anything    . Two liters of beer is prettycrazy to drink in one go.
I just got a call from my boss, he wants me to come in tomorrow even though I am supposed to be off. Shit, I might come in at 11 or so. If I am too hungover i'm just going to saay fuck it and not even go. Damn damn damn. Regaurding my earlirer post, the game is tied 8-8 After two perids. I quit the drinking after thesecond cause I am fucking hammered and the wif is yelling at me to go to bed. i am still drinking the beer though.  I still can't believe my boss called me.maybe i might rememeber that he called and go in. but I think he is getting fired ort transfereed.Shit, my say off and he wants me to go in. I'm not going in next Monday anyway because it is the day after the Superbowl.
He He He..I just popped in Rock n Rio on  my Laptop... am still fuckin hammered though.
duhhhh du! d duh da dahuhhhh du! duda duda duda duda ...... duih!

Shhhhh.... cool Invader, very cool...I wish i were in Berlin..... shhhhh, let not the elven people hear..... i shall return...
DAmmit, i'm not drunk, just slightly buzzed...I'd much rather be drunk as hell.. but i missed my chance for this week, and now i'll have to be good the rest of the week. ug.  Deano, are you sure you'll return?  when the hell are we gonna get drunk together?  the last time i was good and drunk with some forum pals was the night that LC and I drank to the debate, and cornfedhic joind us from work.. tho that was fun as hell.  i wish we had another excuse to get a bunch of us on the chat for a good drun!!K... 

wait... was that the star wars theme that you were singing there Dean?  hmmmmm
HAHA! No! it was the Jaws theme Wasted, and oh yes... how glad I am that I am not the only bad little mother fucker out here getting buzzed on a Monday night..... there's NO football after all... join me. I'm in North Carolina tonight and i may... I just may      go to a titty bar tonight!  HAHAHAHAHAHHEHEHEHEHE
Oh, man, i'd love to go to a titty bar with you in NC STATE-- however, i can't .... i have to play daddy.... and, no, to anyone out there that wonders, it isn't irresponsible to have a happy buzz... the girls are all snuggled in their beds, its been a long few days, i don't have to work tomorrow and its supposed to snow 2-3" outside, so I'm gonna have a happy buzz to keep me warm and fuzzy!!!

the theme to jaws... i should have known...tho, unless you really know what some one is thinking it is ahrd to figure out what the theme is... du du DU du du du.... that could be batman, or starwars... who knows?!?!

a titty bar, that sounds great... teh bars like that around me don't have a cover charge, or a 2 drink minimum... just chicks that are nasty and will do just about anything for a buck...
Well that's justwonderful! me and the boys decided to table the titty barexcursion until Wednesday when we'll be in South Carolina. I have to say, this job really kicks ass at times. it's a high profile job and I have to take care of THE boss, but when he's happybout , I find myself in some really kick ass [places.... so now, Wasted, my friend, what are you having to drink at the moment, I know you're a good Dad, dont worry about that, I need help in deciding what my next drink willb be.....
Well, I just finished off a bottle of wine.. pinot nior.  next up, i'm breaking out the paulaner that is nice and cold!!!  dont think that wine and beer mix that well, but hell, that has tobe beter thna mixing with tequila... maybe?

SC, huh,that sounds fun too!!!  i wanna go someplace warm.

what are you drinking D&N.... i keep wanting to hit the % and make you D%N....
Hell yeah, when I'm done here, that's what I'm changing my name too now. hahahaha :ninja:hahahah  fuck it...... I'm glad you're here tonight, I thought this was going to be a long lonely night of pushing drunking slurr out agin and it will.......................it will be.... I was drinking amber Bocks biut I only have one left so I'm charidhng it so all I have in the mini bar is budweiser, fuck that... I made medaself a vodka a graprfriut jiuce..... first time... it kinda tastes like pot. hahahahai
hahahathat is funny as fuck!  tho i dunno abut grapefruit juce and vodka... oh well.  yeah this is some pretty good buzzin time here!  nothing worse than a boring night of drinikg and posting alone...

so, i have found out if you put all of your beer in the meat drawer of the fridg e and turn it too cold, the beer is great out of there!!
Sweeet , does it have little ic ecrystals floating in it? O man, you have Paulaner? I'm so fuckin jealoous..... look man, this spring/summer, I'm serious about meeting up somewhare, with other Miden fans too, we're too dammed kick ass not to go hang out and go to a show or something. cool?