Oh yes it is, Amsterdam is on of the top 5 cities in the world i think. Sushi is good, not in Amsterdam but in San diego, but I'm dinking Heinekens so that kinda puts me in Amsterdam, although the Heineken there is much fresher and better. The sushi is better here though. I'm going down to the bar for a minute... brb
Getting naked on the 34th floor is cool. i'm opening another Heineken, get outta my way.
Posting , yeah, choose your car.
This is meant to be read with music in your head, well yeah, no bass, just good cruisin' music.... I hope I get me bass guitar for Christmas, if so, my first goal is to play Cliff's bass solo, Anastesia, Palin teeth by the following Christmas, yep fuck you, maybe I'll do it, maybe I won't. Palin, I miss her already, methinks I'll move to the land of the midnight sun ( or moon) and see what I can do, who needs abortion when your shooting blanks anyway ( I choose to think of them as tracer rounds).

.... Smileys kinda suck, I need to smoke, so I'm looking at Coronado Bay, chillin", drinking me Heineken, tastes good. Wish you could join me, we need a festival...winter sucks but guess what? It's not winter here, today it was like 90 degrees, yeah, that's right , I said it, 90 degrees.... just to fuck with you, .... I mean Celcius...yeah, that's right, we were all on fire... but guess what? We're not anymore. Know why? We jumped in the bay.... Whew! need a smoke, going to te window, ahhhhh the window.. drunk posting is goooood, ramble on, now's the time the time is now... LC doesn't like Zepplin, don't know what's up with that, CRAZY!
We need some Japanese members in this forum, or maybe more Australians, or even Phillipinos.... gotta piss.............. where's thousand _ suns when I need him? Damn, I could have a conversation right now and still win it whatever, I'm hitting send
Level 2 universes.... discuss... level # parallel universes? infinite #, if true, this has monumental consequenses.. spell check is out the window, the science channel is blowing my mind... electron that can disappear and reappear in othe places, laser light, little particles of light .... can alcohol be be the key to traveling to parallel universes? I don't know, fuck man, they keep talkign about leavel 2 and leval 3 pearalllel universes, dead cats, live cats.. who cares. wahat make s ahurricane splittin mini - worlds... oooo this is bad....
Appaerently the gravitron is the smoking gun. Tell me more. Science is fascinating! These people are crazy, I need the sword of truth to defeat the order...... erradicate the fascist, revolutiom will grow.............. fuck you all.....

this is drunk posting.. carry on my wayward son there will bew a piece of mind when you are done, lay your weary heaed to rest.. call now risk free, clinically proven to reduce your body fat, if anybody reads all this shit i salute you. Blaaaaaahhhhh