Na zdrowie!
Man IO', drunk, at this stadiumI evn like Libertians.  Have a praise.!!

A toast to Maidenfans! Let the new album rule!
Where are you Deano???! I miss yopu
First post on here.. and in the "drunk" section. Hmm perhaps not the best start.
Just been watching a bootleg of Maiden with a couple of rather cheap danish pilseners in hand and felt like coming on here.
Been visiting on and off since a few years back and actually thought id signed up years ago but my nick was still up for grabs so my memory is prolly off.
anyway, seems like a fine place to read and discuss IM and thank someones fruitful loins theres no threads on which of Bruce's hair styles you like the most (yes am an old haunt over on SFM and it gets old fast).
OK, enough mumblings. cheers for now
In ,case anyone been wondering wher eI've been the last 9 months, I've been in the Finnish army.. And now I'mout.  Forever,a lmosto until I'm called to "revision exer cise" (can't think of any good english translation for it now).  But for the last five yeras or so, I'm free.  Been celebrating athe nigh,t and my head isn't as good for drinking as it was before cause I haven't been drinking much durin my service. So i'm drunk.  But I'm free.  Fuck yeah.  Maybe ill post something reasonbal etomorrow.  But ow I'll cgo to slepe .  Listning to any songs with th w ords "free" in them right now.  Now playing the clansman. FREEDOM.  I cant' tlel what it feels like to go fere after the army.  It's better athan anyghing eday in your life.  But now I gotta sleep.  Gnight floks, seeya again tomorro.w.  I'll be active hopfully again from now on.  FREEEEEDOMn...
I second that emotion. Welcome back!

And... watch this space tonight.

Yeah, they didn't let me into the club because I threw a bottle. Their loss.
I'm not drunk now but I was two nights ago when I went to a bar, won an air guitar competition and they gave me a $50 bar tab (which naturally I used). So obviously I got pissed, and was then asked to leave for being drunk in a bar (incredible I know). When I refused to leave and started downing my drink a couple of bouncers dragged me out, and then somehow I ended up spending the night in the cells. What a joke. And they cut off my fucking wristbands.
national acrobat said:
I'm not drunk now but I was two nights ago when I went to a bar, won an air guitar competition and they gave me a $50 bar tab (which naturally I used). So obviously I got pissed, and was then asked to leave for being drunk in a bar (incredible I know). When I refused to leave and started downing my drink a couple of bouncers dragged me out, and then somehow I ended up spending the night in the cells. What a joke. And they cut off my fucking wristbands.
I assume that when you state you won a $50 bar tab, it was in Australia! If so, being drunk in a bar in Oz is almost the law, isn't it? :huh:
What did they arrest you for, public drunkeness? You should have told them you didn't want to be drunk in public - you wanted to be drunk in a bar!
Forostar said:
Those wristbands are from festivals you've been to?
Yeah, so they're the type which once off do not go back on.

Albie said:
I assume that when you state you won a $50 bar tab, it was in Australia! If so, being drunk in a bar in Oz is almost the law, isn't it? :huh:
Apparantly in Northern Territory they're quite a bit more uptight about it. But what's wrong with being drunk in a bar if you're not causing any trouble.

LooseCannon said:
What did they arrest you for, public drunkeness? You should have told them you didn't want to be drunk in public - you wanted to be drunk in a bar!
Just that. Those of you who've met me will know I'm not the type to yell at the filth or start a brawl in the street. All I was doing was zig-zagging my way home, and when they stopped me I couldn't speak intelligibly. So what?
When the professor starts the party servin caipirinha ... oh fuck.ø Quite sivilised dinner, lmae speeches, and then everything went overboard

Plenty of punch, plenty of beer, plenty of crappy musif and finishing off the party with corridor hurdle race with chairs ... holy fuck, tomorrow's not conna be waesome. Watch the hangover thread..,

Yewa, and my table womn the quiz after dinner, by the way ...  :yey:
It took three days, but I'm finally sort of drunk. Even though I'm still able to write posts that are both intelligible and make sense.

nahhhhhhhhhhh jsrut kiddinnn!!!!1111111