Had a smokin buzz goin, then mykid shows up and says 'hey, i have a band concert in an hour' so i had to soberup enuf to drive there, which was kinda buzz killer, even tho it was fun, and now i'm back ,but pretty much hafta start (almost)all over again, so its me, corona, priest and xbox for the eve, and we will see what tomorrow brings, but hat is ok, cause i have nothing to do for about 18 hours from now, so i can sleep sometime, and just lay in my bed iwth noting to do...hell, maybe i should just pass out and wake up and drink in the morn...i always wanted to get drunk before noon, and i've never done it, so mayb we will see what tomorrow really does bring...there's 10 bottles of beer in my fridg,, 10 bottles of beer, take one out and drink it down, 9 bottles of beer in myfridge... by the way, if you have a fridge with a 'lettuce crisper' or sometihng similar, those things , when put on 'colder' make beer really damn cold!  thats whre i kep my beer, and i just don't eat lettuce.....
hell, it only takes me a couple beers (12oz varity here in the states) or a couple glasses of wine (which i've already had tonite)..yum.
jeez its a fucjkin effort to reply yot this tonight

i'vr goty a couple of fuckin girls waitinig outiside for me right now, i think onee of them mgiht have kef tbut i can seee tyhe other fright nother. see you! soon !

So we're in this club. And I see this chick on the dance floor and go, "hey, she's cute." And my friend (female, notabene), shoves me to the dance floor. And I dance with the chick. And the song was a good one too (Metallica, Whiskey in the Jar). And it's cool and sweet. And just when I want to walk up to the chick after the song, I feel a hand on my shoulder pulling me back, and it's my friend who starts cuddling with me. And I think, "OK, female senses, she noticed something about that chick." And ten minutes later I ask her about it and she doesn't know what I'm talking about. And I describe to her how I noticed that chick and she pushed me to the dance floor and I danced with her and she pulled me back. And she says "Oh my God, I'm sorry! WTF did I just do!"

And I just went, "yeah, you know like, whatever."
Just had a wonderful night of watching Flight 666 and the concert dvd in their entirety with my best Maiden buddy. Hammered on good ole American plumber beer (PBR, Budweiser)... although I can't begin to tell you Brits how badly I wish I had a Bluebird in my hand right now.
fucikng smiked.  been drinking Shocktop... something produced by Micehlo b down in ST Louis... not too bad, unfiltered wheat beer.  but my ass iks kicked, so now I'm eating poatto chips and watchin season two of 'the dead zons'  is anyone else really surpirised that i'm seeing anthyoney michael hall?  this cat doesn't look anything like the gyi in sixteen candles or breakfast club.... weird, but fun show to watch... 

ok, i'm gonna take my buzzed ass to wthe lazy boy to watch this...
I be beyond awted guys.

T%he guys who';s houise I was at had the bo. o fthe beast and I put the title track on and ot was al metal and awesome. Yay\!
my first time hiting the bars in a mothn and i am FUCKED(jager bombs = bad news)!

thia is for the nhl people....,,,, does any one else want to bunch Gery betman in the face whe you ehre him talk?
Invader said:
Is that 14 beers each or 14 between the two of you? :innocent:

My dad = a navy Chief Petty Officer. There was 3 dozen beer in the fridge when we started; 2 remain. Do the math :)
My dad got me a bottle of Koskenkorva (38%) for my 20th birthday. But, I didn't drink it with him.

And yeah, I know soldiers can drink. Sometimes you'd think their rank is proportional to the drinking prowess. Because, of course, conscripts can't drink or show up drunk, but who's to tell off the officers who are all buddies anyway? :)
I've not had a proper drink with my dad in around 13 years - not since we opened a few bottles of vintage port one Christmas.
LooseCannon said:
No no no. SAILOR. That is a big difference.

Also my dad is like 6'4, 270 lbs.

Navy + officer = soldier. ;)  I served in coastal artillery, which is a branch of the navy (here), so I didn't make the distinction. I get what you mean.  :) 