Does anyone feel like they have 2 sides when judging the New Music? Like one side is the one that gets an emotional response and just likes it, the pleasant melodies, the cool parts, but understand that it is just a thing you dig not universally liked, necessarily. And the toher part, that is trying to think according to what the as best known universal fandom standards are .. I mean we are all influenced. I have had some pretty epic moments .. maybe will do Parchment and Hour again. But maybe I will clear my mind with the Seventh Son. Like when you eat the ginger between different kinds of fish sushi. Cause that one is a constant. No matter what happens to the world. Unfortunately I have heard the new stuff only plus minus three times, cause I want to be left alone and have peace. My expectation is that it will become as awesome in my head as so so SO SO much stuff that the boys made. Happy feels to all, we are bros. Bloody.