Deep dark secret

His stuff is actually somewhat boring. I remember reading a book with his predictions and the explanations in high school, and honestly, any prediction beyond his "immediate" future is hard to say if that's what he was really driving at. He supposedly wrote a straight-forward version of his predictions, but they have never been found.
Nostradamus is a joke. His "predictions" were often wrong. IF not, then it was one of those self-fulfilling prophecies like "There will once be a war in the west". Also, it's (as you all know) very much in the eyes of the beholder. I mean, subconsciously we try to make these old prophecies fit in. We look and look until we finally find something they are remniscent of. As I said, Nostradamus is a joke.
He was wrong about WWIII for one. He predicted it in 1999 with some dude "rising from the east" Well 1999 has come and gone and no WWIII.
Some scholars have stated that the calander that we use could be off by as much as 3 years, if we are using the date of Christ's birth as the starting point.  (I can't find the source)  If that is the case, maybe he foresaw the bombing of the world trade centers as the start to WWIII...  (I'm just being devil's advocate for fun)
It's a real pain if you want to translate exact dates from a different calendar into the common era one. Specifically, if you have dates from the Jewish, Byzantine, Muslim or Roman calendars in Antiquity or the Middle Ages. There are unbelievably many things to consider. There's much more to it than considering the CE or BCE starting date of a specific calendar. Some calendars are actually shorter than ours. Some calendars actually have a fixed number of 30 days per month without any extra days or leap years, so they would be off by a few years by now. Then you have to consider that we have the leap years in our calendar, except every hundred years, we don't have a leap year where it should be, but every five hundred years, we do have one and stuff like that. But it gets even worse in the Christian Middle Ages, because people sometimes did not use the Julian or Gregorian calendars, but just wrote "two days after St James' day in the third year of our glorious King Richard II".
Really, dates in the Middle Ages are no fun at all.
Wasted155 said:
Some scholars have stated that the calander that we use could be off by as much as 3 years, if we are using the date of Christ's birth as the starting point.  (I can't find the source)  If that is the case, maybe he foresaw the bombing of the world trade centers as the start to WWIII...  (I'm just being devil's advocate for fun)

We're off like 4 years, and Christ was supposedly born between 6-4 B.C, even so The time for WWIII has already past, according to Nostradamus' predictions at any rate.
LooseCannon said:
Fuck Christ, who cares anyway :D

Some scholars believe that someone fucked Christ, and that he children from that conjugation.  It is possible that there are many little-Christ's running around in the world today, performing mild miracles, and that we just don't understand them.  If it wasn't for the well documented fact that H was the real person responsible for the creation of Iron Maiden, I would think that Steve Harris was a descendant of Christ.  Tho, it is possible that Bruce is.  (obviously, H isn't a descendant of anyone)
Sorry, but I follow all those Christ-descendant conspiracy theories, and most nutcases like me think the descendants are likely to be French, not English. (Or possibly Scottish, but that's still not English.)
yeah, but what has France done since Christ was born, me son?  They've fought a billion wars with England.  The Normans conquered France once.  Is it not possible that a Christ-descendant was part of Bill the Conqueror's fleet?
And loads of Frenchmen moved to America, and they colonised areas around the globe.  So descendants of Christ could be anywhere now, really.
My deep secret: I'm watching a chick flick with my fiancee and her friend.  It is so bad even they're cringing.  :D

Sorry, that's the biggest dirt I can think of right now.