Black Abyss Babe
Slava Ukraini!
Also I really don't need the extra insulation this weather ...Sorry for being this blunt, but I do think masks are very very uncomfortable to use, and a big nuisance, and I don't like other people telling me that's not the case. People should of course wear them if it's obligatory, or if they want to. If they're made obligatory here, I will wear them too, but it's likely I'll limit my comings and goings so I can minimise mask use to some extent at least.
Bad. Inexcusable. Just - regardless. Sounds like she was spoiling for a fight anyway and this finally provided her "opportunity". I used to work in a convenience store for a while so I have unfortunately met a few of her typeA woman without a mouthmask kicked several customers in a store in Belgium.
She was politely asked to wear a mouthmask which is obligatory, she refused and became aggressive towards staff and other customers.