Ancient Mariner
I tested negative yesterday after to get headache and get very tired. I don't know what to think about omicron. I'm very careful, but I think that's not enough 

They are supposed to be much more reliable if you take samples from the tonsils rather than the nose. No drinks 30 minutes prior to swabbing.Antigen. I'm aware that they're only about 70% reliable so i'm being cautious. The headache is real enough but the fatigue might just be my general laziness for all i know
I've been doing nose and nostrils on a single gooey cotton bud, but maybe i'll do just tonsils for my next one. I've been quaffing the tea also this morning so i guess a re-test is in orderThey are supposed to be much more reliable if you take samples from the tonsils rather than the nose. No drinks 30 minutes prior to swabbing.
@Perun I'm honestly not surprised, just because I've had to pass through Germany recently and people were really on it with masks and proper consideration. I'm sure many places have exceptions, but from what I saw, especially when I stopped to wee, I was quite impressed. Definitely made a girl feel safer.
In Norway we had over 15k cases yesterday, which is a new record. However the amount of people in intensive care keeps going down. All signs point towards omicron being milder than a seasonal flu.
In a vaccinated environment, omicron seems to be very mild. So I think we're in a good place. We'll be in a better place once people get their booster shots, too.
Norwegian health authorities say it's around 0,2% chance to get hospitalised with omicron, compared to 0,5% with the flu.I would not jump to conclusions so early. I know someone who works for Public Health Scotland and the data they have suggest that people are dying there everyday with the new variant, which also seems to be very dangerous when pregnant.
Wheeeee covid is over! We're getting pulled back to the office next week. If they can actually sort out the desk booking system and have enough PCs and docking stations ready, that is, unlike the last time they tried this
Yes, the worst scum of the backbench are pulling the strings here. Hear them cheer when he said masks were no longer compulsory on public transport in England. What a victory, eh?
Wheeeee covid is over! We're getting pulled back to the office next week. If they can actually sort out the desk booking system and have enough PCs and docking stations ready, that is, unlike the last time they tried this