Black Abyss Babe
Slava Ukraini!
In one of my previous jobs (a company whose name most people would recognise) they used to refer to this as "sick building syndrome" - they recognised that it was a thing but it didn't occur to anyone that there was anything to do except put up with it.Maybe it'll work better when framed in terms of transmission of bugs, staff absences and health and safety. Execs would consider stale air a cosmetic issue and only of significance in places where the top brass work. So many offices are terrible for fresh air circulation, especially small ones in converted shops and houses.
Regarding executives and their opinions on stale air, the majority simply didn't notice it and insisted I was making a fuss about nothing. I can only assume that they must have been sub/pre-human lifeforms whose brains were not sufficiently evolved to require oxygen to function - one step up from primeval pondslime, say. (That or the jobs they did simply didn't require them to engage their brains ...)
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