Cat vs Dog

The Cat vs Dog thread lives! Keep it up.
Well, here is an answer to this neverending debate.

From the guy who brought us the quote on the cover of Life After Death (and pretty much nothing else), HP Lovecraft:

The article is somewhat long, I admit, so here's the probably most important part :D :

"Dogs, then, are peasants and the pets of peasants, cats are gentlemen and the pets of gentlemen. The dog is for him who places crude feeling and outgrown ethic and humanocentricity above austere and disinterested beauty; who just loves "folks and folksiness" and doesn't mind sloppy clumsiness if only something will truly care for him. (Tableau of dog across master's grave -- cf. Lanseer, "The Old Shepherd's Chief Mourner.") The guy who isn't much for highbrow stuff, but is always on the square and don't (sic) often find the Saddypost or the N.Y. World too deep for him; who hadn't much use for Valentino, but thinks Doug Fairbanks is just about right for an evening's entertainment. Wholesome -- constructive -- non-morbid -- civic-minded -- domestic -- (I forgot to mention the radio) normal -- that's the sort of go-getter that ought to go in for dogs.

The cat is for the aristocrat -- whether by birth or inclinations or both - who admires his fellow-aristocrats. He is for the man who appreciates beauty as the one living force in a blind and purposeless universe, and who worships that beauty in all its forms without regard for the sentimental and ethical illusions of the moment. For the man who knows the hollowness of feeling and the emptiness of human objects and aspirations, and who therefore clings solely to what is real -- as beauty is real because it pretends to a significance beyond the emotion which it excites and is. For the man who feels sufficient in the cosmos, and asks no scruples of conventional prejudice, but loves repose and strength and freedom and luxury and sufficiency and contemplation; who as a strong fearless soul wishes something to respect instead of something to lick his face and accept his alternate blows and strokings; who seeks a proud and beautiful equal in the peerage of individualism rather than a cowed and cringing satellite in the hierarchy of fear, subservience, and devolution. The cat is not for the brisk, self-important little worker with a mission, but for the enlightened dreaming poet who knows that the world contains nothing really worth doing. The dilettante -- the connoisseur -- the decadent, if you will, though in a healthier age than this there were things for such men to do, so that they were the planners and leader of those glorious pagan times. The cat is for him who does things not for empty duty but for power, pleasure, splendour, romance, and glamour -- for the harpist who sings alone in the night of old battles, or the warrior who goes out to fight such battles for beauty, glory, fame and the splendour of a land athwart which no shadow of weakness falls. For him who will be lulled by no sops of prose and usefulness, but demands for his comfort the ease and beauty and ascendancy and cultivation which make effort worth while. For the man who knows that play, not work, and leisure, not bustle, are the great things of life; and that the round of striving merely in order to strive some more is a bitter irony of which the civilised soul accepts as little as it can."
So it seems I don't mind sloppy clumsiness then :D

But grace and beauty isn't exclusive for cats:


That being said: I like cats. But if I were to get a pet myself, it would be a dog. Cats are no good as hiking companions.
I don't hate dogs, in fact I like them. But I'm definitely a cat person. They are beautiful, enigmatic, and full of mystery and charisma. Cats are angels, and I feel privileged to be able to share my life with one. xD
Aww, that pic is too cute!

I watched a programme a couple of days ago called "Secret Life Of Cats", and there was a part in it talking about a cat who had taken it upon himself to be a "guide cat" to the blind Labrador he lives with. And it showed the cat snuggled up with the dog on the sofa, too cute! I wish I could find a picture of that...
We used to work with the Spot series at the language school I used to teach. I have a few books somewhere at home.
There's been a cat around our house since this morning, when I first woke up it was hiding under a bush from the rain, since then it's been literally just walking in circles around the cars, garden and drive. Never seen it before but normally they don't just walk in a small circle for hours on end like it was confused. Odd behaviour but I'd still think nothing of it, except I went out to it and it's got a big cut under its eye and its ear, absolutely waterlogged and very panicy. So been around nearby houses to see if anyone owns it, no luck :/

Rains started again and it seems to have vanished, hope it's found it's way home.