Cat vs Dog

According to the Oxford research, dogs don't surrender their free will as such, they have the ability to pool resources for the greater good of the pack, which is a more intelligent way of working.
According to the Oxford research, dogs don't surrender their free will as such, they have the ability to pool resources for the greater good of the pack, which is a more intelligent way of working.
It's a combined intelligence, like the hive mind of wasps. Individually though dogs lag behind cats.
Which is what I was talking about earlier, only that I said "swarm intelligence" when I should have said "hive mind".
As long as that solitary cat doesn't find itself up against a bigger predator. The pack of dogs can look out for each other, or fight together if needs be.
As long as that solitary cat doesn't find itself up against a bigger predator. The pack of dogs can look out for each other, or fight together if needs be.

Solitary cats know how far they should go. That's as bright as you can get.