Navigators Ghost
Ancient Mariner
Maybe another drunken rant will happen and like an angry girlfriend remove the picture of them together 

I second this. I listened to Rob Halford's solo stuff cowritten and produced by Roy Z as well, and it's shite (IMHO) as compared to Bruce's. This is how I found out who is the real songwriter - Bruce or Roy. It is Bruce. Period.Why some people are so sure that Bruce can't compose music ?
It's just your view. Mine is different. If Roy were a great musician and composer, we'd know something about him not related to Bruce or whoever else.Not nuff said.
I happen to like songs such as Crucible.
Not nuff said.
I happen to like songs such as Crucible.
Also I realize that the songs Bruce did where Z wrote the music are generally better than other Bruce solo stuff done with anybody else.
Also, Roy Z wrote this awesome music:
and this:
No shite to be found here, unless it's the stuff some people have in their ears or the stuff they use when they paint an incorrect, incomplete picture of the talented Roy Z.
But if we compare Rob's and Bruce's solo stuff, there's simply NO comparison. So the conclusion is???? Bruce is the governing factor, not Roy. Otherwise Rob's albums would be as gold as Bruces, and they are not - same old JP's stuff with Roy's guitar and sound, and that's it.It was a chemical collaboration. If Bruce wants to write his next solo album alone, let's see how that goes.
And you're forgetting something with your crappy comparisons:
Bruce is a singer. Roy Z isn't. Usually, the singers make solo albums, even if the guitarist would write all music for him.
Instrumentalists only (or mostly) do that when they are guitar wankers/heroes. Also it can happen that they use a vocalist but most of the times, the artist is the singer. To call Accident of Birth a Roy Z solo album would sound weird, but if you find music as important as lyrics, then technically he wrote the most. He did the most.
Roy Z's music fits best with vocals. The man wrote grabbing chord schemes, riffing, melodies. All the stuff accessible metal music (with vocals) needs.
We got you. If you WANT and CHOOSE to think that it was Roy who made the whole thing, it's up to you.Of course a great singer makes music greater. But Roy Z wrote the most. However rude the man behaved, however much (and conveniently) people disqualify his work with other vocalists, this is something that should not be overlooked.
If only Bruce's input is seen as great, your music collection (and focus on this genre) must be incredibly small. Great isn't it? Small, that's what that is.
Of course a great singer makes music greater. But Roy Z wrote the most. However rude the man behaved, however much (and conveniently) people disqualify his work with other vocalists, this is something that should not be overlooked.
If only Bruce's input is seen as great, your music collection (and focus on this genre) must be incredibly small. Great isn't it? Small, that's what that is.
I have addressed this already. You can't throw that aside with a simple so what.No disrespect here foy Roy as a guitarist , composer and producer, but the question remains the same : if he wrote the most of Bruce's solo stuff where's a great metal ( or not metal) album written by Roy on his own? He's not a singer ? So what? There is a plenty of great singers out there famous and not so famous waiting for an opportunity to sing great music.
I have addressed this already. You can't throw that aside with a simple so what.
And where is a great Bruce's solo album written on his own?
I think the salient point here is how Bruce and Roy worked together so well and were able to create something special by the combination of their personalities. It's the band chemistry thing again - the total is greater than the sum of the parts. Same with the Beatles - not so much that individually they were more or less talented, just that they were good at different aspects, which came together in a special way when they worked together.
I have addressed this already. You can't throw that aside with a simple so what.
And where is a great Bruce solo album written on his own?