The album is a musical and emotional journey. If there’s any concept, then that’s it.
Then it was 10 years or something daft before we got together in 2014, and then another 7 before we actually got together and finished it. By this time, we had lots of extra material, most of which we didn’t use because we already had 8 of the 10 songs. We thought it would be heavy and a bit out of the box.
I thought that was a great title for an album, so I wrote the song. At that point I was considering a concept album, so I put a bit of narration in that sounded okay. I put a story together and generated characters who were bringing back a human soul and reinserting them into someone else. I wrote “Resurrection Men” and there’s a little Hawkwind vibe, great stuff to sing. But I hadn’t got into great detail into anything. So it was left half done.
Going back to the album, I thought there was no point making it into a concept album because I already had that on the comic. Let’s make music our concept. I wanted to have a few mad Tarantino, Ennio Morricone moments and unexpected twists and turns, bongos. Every one of the songs on the record is a favourite. Every song has a different character.
We were doing comics for the Legacy of the Beast game, which were beautifully drawn with super bright colours. We had a great female character but there was no story. That’s going to get people to stick with it. Stories do that.
Personally I thought the book was very cool. I did Revelations on it with Tony Lee as a bit of a dummy run, working together. It was a good practice before the main event. I love to be involved in all that stuff. The big daddy of all of it is “Seventh Son of a Seventh Son”. I would love to pull all that together as one story. Whether or not there’s an appetite for it is a different case. “Seventh Son of a Seventh Son” in particular could be super cool.
I would have said Chemical Wedding for my solo work, but that was before this record. This record genuinely moves the goal posts for where we can go next. There will be a next, but we don’t know where that is yet. That’s part of the fun. If was going to be bold, I would say the last track on this record, Sonata. It is different to other tracks, and the way it was recorded, it’s the most emotional thing that’s been put on record for me. There’s no galloping bit in the middle. For Maiden, all of those first albums up to and including “Seventh Son of a Seventh Son” were amazing. “Seventh Son of a Seventh Son” is probably my favourite but “Powerslave” is a pretty close second. When I rejoined, “Brave New World” was a great record. Since then, “A Matter of Life and Death” has some great stuff on it. Live, the recent one, “Senjutsu” works really well.
Playing Sonata live - No, I don’t want to disappoint people. I want them to absorb the album before I dump a 10 minute track on them! I’ve got plenty of other baggage I need to unload. There will be 3-4 songs, maybe more, off the new record. Bear in mind this is a first effort in terms of going out with this band and going out on tour. We have plenty of material. If we end up coming around Europe again, then we can put a show together in a bigger venue that would really showcase a track like “Sonata” live, where you are in heavy metal Pink Floyd territory.