Bruce Dickinson

It's a shame Many Doors now seems to be out of the set permanently, presumably because it's a strain on his voice. Which begs the question... why record it in an unreachable key?

It was fine on the first shows of the tour and I think there are harder songs for him. Book of Thel and Darkside are harder, don't you think?

But yes, I get your point.
It's a shame Many Doors now seems to be out of the set permanently, presumably because it's a strain on his voice. Which begs the question... why record it in an unreachable key?
The pre-chorus is higher (that's Bruce's trademark style!.. unreachable?), but there are harder songs. Like the sequence of Book-Alchemist-Darkside. And he was doing very fine with it. I feel Many Doors, despite being one of the most liked songs from the new album, is the ''least'' popular (with not much room for crowd participation) live song from the new ones. And by not playing it, he can have room for Road To Hell or other deep cuts like Faith.

His choices from the new album are logical, the 2 singles, one very single-oriented song and basically the title track of the album. I think next year for the 2nd leg he might play Shadow, try Sonata and maybe Eternity. I think Wounds and Mirror will be cool live.
Interesting how the setlist changes around, just little bit and little bit.
If we only got something like this with Maiden, but of course it won't happen as the lights and show is strictly planned.
Yep. With Maiden, if it's a song from the same album, maybe it could be achieved.
I think that the frequent changes to the set list help keep his voice in good condition + fans have a reason to wait even more for the concert.
And - I hope - more tracks on a potential live release compilation rather than a single show release. And it's more fun for them to change things around (which just so happens is a frequent point of discontent on the board regarding Maiden, as Maiden doesn't rotate stuff)
Interesting how the setlist changes around, just little bit and little bit.
If we only got something like this with Maiden, but of course it won't happen as the lights and show is strictly planned.
I'd hate that to be honest. With Maiden you know what you'll get and it'll be integrated into the show in some way (stage props, backdrops, pyros). It'd be super disappointing to look forward to specific songs that were featured on the tour, only to not be played on the show I'm going to.

The pre-chorus is higher (that's Bruce's trademark style!.. unreachable?), but there are harder songs. Like the sequence of Book-Alchemist-Darkside. And he was doing very fine with it.
The difference being that those songs were written over a quarter of a century ago when Bruce was in his prime, while MDTH was written in 2022 after his cancer and all the other issues. Wouldn't be the first time that Bruce would write vocal melodies that show him clearly straining while other song writers like Steve have started to pay a bit more attention (notice how TWOTW's verses feature quite a bit of straining, while most of the songs by Steve on Senjutsu feature quite a bit of Bruce's lower and mid range). Also, the "doing very fine" is very much objective :p

I think that the frequent changes to the set list help keep his voice in good condition + fans have a reason to wait even more for the concert.
I think he's simply experimenting a bit to get his bearings and figure out what works and what doesn't. Maiden has been touring for ever and because of that know very well which songs work live and which don't. Bruce doesn't have that. He might know what worked 20 years ago and might have an idea what could work theoretically, but he still has to go out and try it out. To see how the crowd responds, to see how the set flows. Playing live involves a lot of trial and error and I think this is what we're seeing here.

Note, this isn't meant to be negative in any way. It's a necessary step to building up his solo career again and becoming a live-ready act.
Interesting how the setlist changes around, just little bit and little bit.
If we only got something like this with Maiden, but of course it won't happen as the lights and show is strictly planned.
No, no, no. After Tallinn's show I am convinced that I don't like it and I predict the majority of the fans wouldn't want that. Yes, there are fans that go to 3-5 or even 10 shows on one tour but majority will see Maiden only once pere tour. So, if it happens that in your town they don't play the one song you want to hear, then it' s quite depressing. So, for me Maiden is doing it right.