Bruce Dickinson

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No, thank you. I’ve tried. It’s not really that good.

Edit: In my opinion, of course. I recognize that others disagree. But given the obvious pervasive lack of enthusiasm among Maiden fans for Adrian’s (and Steve’s) non-Maiden music, I feel justified in my opinion. (Not that the “crowd” is always right, but I think Maiden fans generally have better taste than the average NPC.)

The Smith/Kotzen gig I attended in London was absolutely packed.

Edit: This gig was in early 2022, when people were still reluctant to go to shows due to Covid, making the sold-out show even more remarkable.
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Sad to see the setlist shortened - I hope it's just to help Bruce get better. I skipped a festival that's closer to me just to see a solo headline show with a few songs more, as it definitely was likely. I really hope Book of Thel makes a comeback, because it's my favourite.
Yep, I knew about the one song being instrumental (Frankenstein being cover of Edgar Winter Group), but taking 2 actual songs and making it even shorter is not so nice.
Hoping that Bruce gets better and getting already hyped about seeing them play soon. Would like to hear Book Of Thel live..
I don't think the quote really holds true. He got to write an 18 minute behemoth with heavy piano focus for TBOS.
On the other hand, when did he last challenge himself on his solo albums? As much as I love TOS there's nothing groundbreaking or artistically challenging on there. Same for TMP, with the possible exclusion of Sonata.
True about your first sentence, but maybe he means the whole band or with sounds (like something heavier). Although Maiden have been ''experimenting'' and challenging themselves ever since the Reunion with some of the material. I can't see Maiden doing some of the heavy parts/riffing on TOS or the experimentation with sounds on the new album. This is an artistic challenge (not only Sonata). We're not going to get groundbreaking music, not at this point in metal.
Then someone should recommend this forum to him.
What he says surprises me a little, because Kevin Shirley knows that a lot of Maiden fans criticize the production of the latest albums harshly. Bruce doesn't know that?
I don't think he had in mind the production, and especially after TMP production. More like the style (or structure?) of the songs.
Is this just a false impression of mine or has he been saying a lot of critical things about Maiden lately?
I wouldn't say that, although it could sound like that, he's just expressing his personal opinion about things and he knows he can't do certain stuff in Maiden.
And rightly so. Maiden should remain Maiden. Within that limitation there is plenty of room for exploration and experimentation. Every Maiden album has its own personality and sound. I love them all.
Solo careers allow for expressing different sides of the artists’ musical creativity. (Steve was right to reject Bruce’s non-Maideny songs.)
Well said. :ok:
but anything Adrian has done is miles better than The Mandrake Project.
Wow! No chance for me.
Another abridged setlist for Bruce tonight?

I think he just doesn't want to burden his voice with (even easier) additional songs for now.
Definitely the right decision. Hopefully he didn't do any longer-lasting damage while trying to get through the first four shows in continental Europe.

In case he did do any damage with those 4 shows, I think the rest of the tour might be cancelled for the greater good (Maiden).
Sucks for the people who would've loved to see him live, but it's definitely the correct choice. He isn't 20 years old anymore. He needs to take care of his health (not that it would be wise to power through for younger people either). No point in continuing when that could mean serious issues down the line for Bruce and co. as well as a sub-standard show for the fans.
Realistically, I think Mystic Festival will be gone too. If he didn't do any damage, he might do Sweden Rock next weekend.

If he damaged his throat, I think all dates in June (until Rokharz Festival) will be pulled in the best case. Worst case, the rest of the tour is cancelled, to preserve him for Maiden.
Realistically, I think Mystic Festival will be gone too. If he didn't do any damage, he might do Sweden Rock next weekend.

If he damaged his throat, I think all dates in June (until Rokharz Festival) will be pulled in the best case. Worst case, the rest of the tour is cancelled, to preserve him for Maiden.
It's okay, I've decided for him that he hasn't damaged his throat. :cool:
"A flu-like virus"? Now I am worried because there apparently is nobody knowledgable around him. There are only viruses that cause "flu-like symptoms".

But a full recovery is the most important. I'd be sad but okay with it if my show will be cancelled.
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