Bruce Dickinson

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I'll be interested to see if Bruce keeps the live band in the studio as well as it seems like a fantastic group. I can't see him ever writing/recording with anyone other than Roy Z for his solo albums, but I also seriously doubt Roy Z will ever tour with him. No reason not to have the bassist/drummer/keyboardist on the albums, but the guitars will probably continue to be all Roy.
I thought we shouldn’t be talking about wives, especially those who are not in the public eye…

Yes, it's all handled and perceived somewhat inconsistently, which can also be seen as an indication that the line really isn't that easy to draw.
To be honest, I also thought it got all a bit exaggerated and blown out of proportion yesterday, misogyny, parasocial relationship with Bruce...

''Iron Maiden fans are on another level. And it’s a whole life term. I don’t support a football team but I look with astonishment at how supporters react. And I don’t think there’s a word for the level of commitment and devotion people have to a football club. And people have that same level of devotion to Iron Maiden. Part of me says - wow, that’s amazing. The artistic half of me - worries that maybe we don’t challenge ourselves artistically because we have this devoted following and they’re happy with the way we are. One reason for doing solo records is to push the envelope of what you can do emotionally and get out of the tram line. The tram lines are great. They’re quite broad, but they do exist.''

So Bruce do writes differently on purpose for his solo albums. I don't think Maiden have to change something in the songwriting, you know, the approach or to write something that different like Rain or Sonata. They could challenge themselves with songs like WOTW, Senjutsu or with sounds, but as Bruce said, they have to keep/respect the true Maiden style, which they will always do even in the ''different'' songs.
I don't think the quote really holds true. He got to write an 18 minute behemoth with heavy piano focus for TBOS.
On the other hand, when did he last challenge himself on his solo albums? As much as I love TOS there's nothing groundbreaking or artistically challenging on there. Same for TMP, with the possible exclusion of Sonata.
I don't think the quote really holds true. He got to write an 18 minute behemoth with heavy piano focus for TBOS.
On the other hand, when did he last challenge himself on his solo albums? As much as I love TOS there's nothing groundbreaking or artistically challenging on there. Same for TMP, with the possible exclusion of Sonata.

I agree. Except for “Sonata”, the artistic challenge. Not so sure about that. :D
we have this devoted following and they’re happy with the way we are….

Then someone should recommend this forum to him. :bigsmile:
What he says surprises me a little, because Kevin Shirley knows that a lot of Maiden fans criticize the production of the latest albums harshly. Bruce doesn't know that?

Or does he mean they'll buy it anyway?
Accept, for example, clearly have a formula, but even in this case I'm not so sure that this cynical, that's good enough for the fans, they'll buy it anyway, is really the background. I feel that Wolf is actually still very much influenced by the failure of the “Eat the Heat” album.

''Iron Maiden fans are on another level. And it’s a whole life term. I don’t support a football team but I look with astonishment at how supporters react. And I don’t think there’s a word for the level of commitment and devotion people have to a football club. And people have that same level of devotion to Iron Maiden. Part of me says - wow, that’s amazing. The artistic half of me - worries that maybe we don’t challenge ourselves artistically because we have this devoted following and they’re happy with the way we are. One reason for doing solo records is to push the envelope of what you can do emotionally and get out of the tram line. The tram lines are great. They’re quite broad, but they do exist.''

So Bruce do writes differently on purpose for his solo albums. I don't think Maiden have to change something in the songwriting, you know, the approach or to write something that different like Rain or Sonata. They could challenge themselves with songs like WOTW, Senjutsu or with sounds, but as Bruce said, they have to keep/respect the true Maiden style, which they will always do even in the ''different'' songs.
And rightly so. Maiden should remain Maiden. Within that limitation there is plenty of room for exploration and experimentation. Every Maiden album has its own personality and sound. I love them all.

Solo careers allow for expressing different sides of the artists’ musical creativity. (Steve was right to reject Bruce’s non-Maideny songs.)

Interestingly, the only Maiden member who is able to produce good memorable music outside of Maiden is Bruce.
I'll be interested to see if Bruce keeps the live band in the studio as well as it seems like a fantastic group. I can't see him ever writing/recording with anyone other than Roy Z for his solo albums, but I also seriously doubt Roy Z will ever tour with him. No reason not to have the bassist/drummer/keyboardist on the albums, but the guitars will probably continue to be all Roy.
Can this new band write good songs? If they can, go for it.
Anyone coming to Budapest other than Koponto?
I’m confused with this place Barba Negra, is it indoors or outdoors?
Bruce seems to start at 20.00. Isn’t it early?
Someone needs to listen to more of Adrian’s solo work.
No, thank you. I’ve tried. It’s not really that good.

Edit: In my opinion, of course. I recognize that others disagree. But given the obvious pervasive lack of enthusiasm among Maiden fans for Adrian’s (and Steve’s) non-Maiden music, I feel justified in my opinion. (Not that the “crowd” is always right, but I think Maiden fans generally have better taste than the average NPC.)
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