Black Wizard
Pleb Hunter
Yes to both!
It would get too hectic and take too long, I reckon.
BTW, @Black Wizard @GhostofCain, how long did the show last in London?
I didn't, I had no sound so I stopped watching.You watched it on Facebook.
It would get too hectic and take too long, I reckon.
I didn't, I had no sound so I stopped watching.
The vinyl box set supposedly comes out tomorrow. Haven't got a shipping notice though.
Is the running order of AOB the same as the original vinyl or the same as the CD?
I only have the original vinyl ... and it is odd (for me) listening to it on Spotify with the CD run order.
For the record, I think the CD running order makes more sense, Omega is arguably the best track on the record and it seems more epic in the second last position before the chill out of Arc of Space.
And from someone so used to the US version, not having Ghost of Cain seems kind of strange too after 20+ years of listening to it that way.