Bruce Dickinson

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Perhaps that was Bruce's intention all along with his subtle hints at shows next year ahaha. Maybe Maiden are not heading to Europe in Summer 2024 but in fact Bruce is for a stack of dates as that article implies.

It really does sound like Bruce has a pretty big year planned for solo dates, so I can see Maiden just doing the usual NA / South American stops Late May through Late July only.
That would be fine by me :bigsmile:
Bruce only has six albums. I would just start with Accident of Birth and go from there. I agree that the compilation is excellent but I think you get more out of it as a hardcore fan going through the various bonus tracks/outtakes/etc.
Bruce only has six albums. I would just start with Accident of Birth and go from there. I agree that the compilation is excellent but I think you get more out of it as a hardcore fan going through the various bonus tracks/outtakes/etc.
Well the second disc was really just a bonus disc only included in some releases. If you just spin the first disc it’s a solid intro IMO.
I think this is the best answer. Bruce's solo career has so many different shades that picking just one album won't give you an honest look at what there is on offer. That compilation is a much better pick, although Disc 2 is really only for completionists.
Similarly if someone wanted to get into Rainbow I'd recommend the anthology as it has all the essentials (minus lost in hollywood, best Rainbow song) and easily the best digital Rainbow sound
So do we think Bruce will still include his own version of If Eternity Should Fail in this? Or did he do away with that concept and this is a different thing?
I think this is the best answer. Bruce's solo career has so many different shades that picking just one album won't give you an honest look at what there is on offer. That compilation is a much better pick, although Disc 2 is really only for completionists.
I don´t think Bruce ever released a stinker, although the first one comes close solely because of Zulu Lulu but even that one has amazing tracks. So yes, the compilation will be the best to start with. And don´t forget Skunkworks the highly underrated masterpiece.
I recall a Facebook post by Roy Z where he mentioned pyramids when talking about the songs they had written for the new album.
Yes. Ancient warrior too. The snippet has a tribal sound, maybe the original idea for a concept album (IESF, tribal vibe too) was on that theme and sound. Btw, I love the drum sound in this snippet, so powerful. I wish to hear a Maiden album with such a drum sound. The bass is also very prominent in the mix, which is great.
So on the Mandrake webpage you can join by giving your e-mail and country. If I remember correctly during the Belshazzar's feast there was kind of similar thing where you gave your e-mail/subscribed. But did it gave some extra content or something or was it just for Maiden hq to gather how many people were interested.
And so, is it this time the same, just e-mail and nothing happens?
No confirmation one way or the other about Adrian’s involvement right? IMO if he is involved they would have said so in this press release, but the whole thing is pretty vague so who knows.
I think the ''amazing band that we put together'' implies Adrian will be part of the tour (and there are rumours of that). Part of the album? Idk.
I don't think you can even take for granted Roy being on the tour, he didn't do the Chemical Wedding tour
Roy said he can't wait to play live.
One thing I don't understand is the album completed or are they in studio still?
If it's completed then Tanya had to wait to publish those videos for how long?
Honestly, I am little bit confused - no release date, just vague hint about early next year, no cover art etc. Seems their still working the details out.
The album is ready. Now we are in the ''hints campaign''. All the details about the album will be revealed maybe next month or after the rest of Maiden's shows for this year.
Maybe single will be released around Christmas?
There are many possibilities: next month, after Maiden's tour, end of the year, maybe even January(?).
Well, I hope the title and the visual are both temporary. How lame! Waiting for almost 20 years should be rewarded with quality and food for thought.
This will be the title. Bruce never really put that much thought into his solo covers. He might surprise us this time.
Bruce mentioned that they've worked on the songs over the years, but I'm assuming the vocals were recorded recently.
Yes. And that's better because the album won't sound like a compilation, although his voice isn't that different from 2015.
Perhaps that was Bruce's intention all along with his subtle hints at shows next year ahaha. Maybe Maiden are not heading to Europe in Summer 2024 but in fact Bruce is for a stack of dates as that article implies.

It really does sound like Bruce has a pretty big year planned for solo dates, so I can see Maiden just doing the usual NA / South American stops Late May through Late July only.
Maiden have time for Europe next year (~10 shows). Even if Bruce's tour will run until June, Maiden tour can be July-early October for SA/NA and Europe (plus maybe 5-6 dates in Asia). It's possible. I just hope they will have time to record a new album in the winter.
The pyramid and the blue gate below reminds me of Stargate, the egyptian theme and characters of the movie and the color of the circle gate. ;)
After a while I changed my mind regarding upcoming album "alchemy" theme. I agree with @TheMercenary in a sense that new album will be set more in sci-fi realm. The Mandrake Project does not sound overly medieval, also we know about Necropolis from If Eternity Should Fail. Album narrative may be seen more from aliens perspective. There is a theory that pyramids (Roy Z mentioned those) were built because of aliens. Also promo picture indeed does look like some sort of ancient hangar/space ships landing place. So, some dark form of aliens will kill indigenous people to obtain eternal life (here's mandrake for you). Album may sound Chemical Weddingish, but lyrically it will lean more towards dark sci-fi. Such is my prediction.
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After a while I changed my mind regarding upcoming album "alchemy" theme. I agree with @TheMercenary in a sense that new album will be set more in sci-fi realm. The Mandrake Project does not sound overly medieval, also we know about Necropolis from If Eternity Should Fail. Album narrative may be seen more from aliens perspective. There is a theory that pyramids (Roy Z mentioned those) were built because of aliens. Also promo picture indeed does look like some sort of ancient hangar/space ships landing place. So, some dark form of aliens will kill indigenous people to obtain eternal life (here's mandrake for you). Album may sound Chemical Weddingish, but lyrically it will lean more towards dark sci-fi. Such is my prediction.
I think you're right, although Bruce mentioned a series of characters and stories. I would love this theme a lot. Sci-fi/mystic/pyramids. Bring it on!