Bruce Dickinson

Why are you trying to argue that Adrian was doing anything of any significance between leaving Maiden and releasing State of Mind in 1995? Writing what exactly? Relative to how "creative" he was in the 80's, contributing to Maiden's output, his '89-'95 output is paltry. And opinion, I think you'll agree (your own opinion of the material aside), is decidely mixed on ASAP & The Untouchables. When you throw in his debatable contribution to Bruce's side-projects (as discussed): all-in his '89-'99 period (an entire decade!) was, musically, a bit of a non-event.

The point I was trying to make is that his break was rather short (as early as in 1992 he was playing live on TV material he had penned) in response to the suggestion that he basically had not done anything for much longer. :)

On a side note, the second Psycho Motel album is fantastic.

Anyway, I think Adrian excels when he works with a singer as a songwriting partner, Bruce being the most obvious example, but Andy Makin and Mikee Goodman being two other great songwriting partners.
So now I have a negative opinion on an "albums worth" of songs that nobody's even heard? :rolleyes:
I would hesitate to apply the word "negative" to any of your posts Cried. My only point was that you seem to be comparing apples with pears. Adrian and Bruce clealy had different aims intentions during their respective breaks from Maiden, and I think you can see that in what they both produced. I don't think it's a fair comparison, that's all.
Anyone else want to remember that Adrian took a break?
I don't think this is in dispute. Its possible significance is another matter though.
The original discussion was nothing to do with Adrian taking a break. I couldn't care less about this. It was to do with it being patently obvious that Roy was (in the late 90's) a far better guitarist than Adrian. Mosh suggested this was to do with Adrian's playing hiatus; and to be honest his point still stands even if the reason he suggested is incorrect. Adrian was in full flow in his SiT/SS-era with Maiden; in respect to both writing & live playing. I've no idea what happened out of the public eye but his solo work shows a marked step down in terms of showcasing his technical ability. Don't say, that's not what music is about, blah, blah. I know! But if he had been beavering away on improving his technique in those intervening years it would have been obvious on those records. It wasn't obvious, because he wasn't honing his playing; he was having a break & playing for fun with The Untouchables. Roy taught him stuff (e.g. improving his alt. picking); he's said as much in interviews. Did he come back into Maiden a better player? No idea, but he kept developing & this is obvious to anyone who listens & watches him today. Why you all want to deny this is beyond me. It's no slight on Adrian that he did other stuff besides practising his guitar eight hours a day (cf. Satch).
H became a much better and much differen player because of Roy.

His picking got better, started using harmonic scales, sweeping a bit, using alternate tunings, heck, he even picked up that hammer on-open string thing that Roy stole from Gary Moore, but H added a picked note on another string (see beginning of Road To Hell solo or The Wicker Man).

Yes, Roy improved H a lot. I have no doubt about that.
Not to belabor the point but I'm still not sure what was incorrect about what I said. All I suggested was that Adrian took a break from music. The length of the break is not relevant. I am sure any of the guitar players here would tell you that even as short as a month long break from playing is going to cause you to lose some of your chops. And even when that hiatus ended, whenever it ended, he was not engaged in the level of activity that he was at with Maiden.
Not to belabor the point but I'm still not sure what was incorrect about what I said. All I suggested was that Adrian took a break from music. The length of the break is not relevant. I am sure any of the guitar players here would tell you that even as short as a month long break from playing is going to cause you to lose some of your chops. And even when that hiatus ended, whenever it ended, he was not engaged in the level of activity that he was at with Maiden.

You are right. You lose quite a bit of muscle memory and hard calluses on your fingers.

Regarding H, I think he became a different guitarist after his break. More back to basics after the great quite modern playing he did on SIT and SSOASS. The first Psycho Motel album is a great indication of that. And then Roy entered the picture and we got modern H 2.0 after that.
Do you think that's why Janick has plasters on his fingers in Dive!Dive!Live!?
Possibly. Some people can't develop calluses.

And some employ Super Attack glue to make up for it. I cut my finger once before the gig and got me through (Got the idea from Billy Sheehan, who destroys his fingers each tour and puts Super Attack glue on his fingers, so he does not bleed).
Thought he didn't want to waste time. His biggest insight in the last 4, 5 years.
Hmm. Well, if time is money, then that means that he doesn’t want to waste any money either, so I guess he needs to pack in book tour dates wherever they’ll fit. Also, solo beer confirmed...? :huh: