Bruce Dickinson on BBC Radio 4 "Any Questions" (2nd November)

Actually, it was only this year that I found out he was so conservative. To be honest, I felt a bit disappointed.
I mean, he still is a great singer and all that and naturally he is entitled to his own ideas, but somehow his views don't really fit the image I had shaped of him all these years.

My thoughts exactly.
I just want to say...have you heard the stuff he wrote on AMOLAD? Bruce has always sounded like a traditional conservative to me. But it also sounds like his ideas were formulated in university in the 1970s, and he's been doing other stuff since then. Anyway, good on him for being what sounds like a reasonable, if probably wrong, fellow. He's not a crazy, just a conservative guy.
I tend to stay away from Bruce's non-music stuff, with the exception of planes because I'm such a planes geek. Politics winds me up at the best of times, and my job involves dealing with local politicians, so it's nice to just avoid it in my free time
Bruce seems to be making almost a full-time public speaking career now.

I love it when he says that the French don't have a word for entrepreneurs. :D
@foro who cares that he's a conservative? Big deal.

Did you even read my comment ? I praised him for the musical sense. I only talked about my respect in his personality, which has nothing to do with being a musician.

For example I love Dave Mustaine as a musician. But I absolutely hate him for his personality, because well, he's a bigoted, stupid man with a huge ego. What he did with his music career doesn't interest me one bit if I'm judging his personality and views.

And also, I'm not the guy that "mixes politics with everything". I think politics IS everything. Politics is life, not just some middle aged dudes screaming at each other or some organization.
Dave mustaine stupid? Are you crazy?
Here is some proof that he isn't as dumb as you think he is watch him annihilate on jeopardy
That's a very old video. He became a dickhead in the last couple of years. And being intelligent is something else as being wise.
It's comforting that Bruce, like the late Peter Steele and Johnny Ramone and many others, has NOT fallen into the clichéd, sloganeering, progressivist group think that is the norm in a music industry dominated by the intolerant, repressive, brain-dead fascist left since the 60s. Good for him for standing out from the gray, dreary crowd as an independent, thoughtful individual who refuses to be pushed around by the natural bullies lefties tend to be.
I guess I was naive, thinking that a person who played for millions in dozens of nations, for decades, and who flew thousands of people in jets, would not be so anti-Europe. Being anti EU and anti Euro, is for me not much different from anti-Europe, since the Europe in the year 2012 needs rules and control. If someone would disagree with that, then I would not be surprised if this could (unconsciously) help that person not being bothered by Bruce's political view.

But there is a big difference from being anti-Euro and being anti-EU and being anti Europe.

I have traveled to 25 European countries lived in two of them and have friends from all over the continent, so have no issue with Europe at all except for it's significant far right/racist groups.

However, in my opinion, the Euro has been a disastrous experiment and, on balance I think membership of the EU is not advantageous for Great Britain and so would advocate an amicable withdrawal. This does NOT make me (or Bruce) anti-Europe. And, of course, I recognise that GB is in a somewhat unique position when compared to other European countries, and that benefits of the EU are probably far greater for other EU countries.
Sorry to bring this topic back!

Actually, it was only this year that I found out he was so conservative. To be honest, I felt a bit disappointed.

He is not that conservative (probably much less that other band members or Rod Smallwood). This is what he had to say about the matter:

Bruce Dickinson speaking to Nosey in 2017 said:
Do I have political views? Yes. Is an autobiography a place to put them? No. What that does is that it attaches an inordinate amount of weight and self-importance to your own political viewpoint, which, if people want to hear your political viewpoint, then be a politician! Join a political party or do whatever. Stand up and say, “I think you need to hear my political views because I’m especially qualified to tell you why you should do what I think.” I don't have any of that special sauce. I’ve got no crystal ball. I’m no expert witness on stuff. If you want to hear about what I think about politics, I’ll tell you, but why does it matter? I’m just one citizen out of millions and I have one vote and so does everyone else. The fact that I’m famous for being a musician or doing whatever, sorry, it’s not enough reason other than salacious curiosity or an attempt to dig up a story which they can then immediately slap down.
But I would fit somewhere. I’m right of centre, but not very far. Put it this way. I’m not a socialist at all but I do believe in a nice humanistic approach to the way society should be run. I think there’s a difference between profit and greed. I think profit is a way of measuring how efficiently a business or a society is being run. Greed is just evidence of its corruption and fecundity.
People are crying here because a rich white male happens to be a bit conservative right-winger. At least he's not a liberal leftist. That would be shocking.
My comment at least has something to do with the topic of this thread. It's not like I just came here to spam random shit.