Blaze Bayley

Sorry I meant on the road. I am shocking at proof reading my messages.

I imagine his touring diet is not as good as a larger band with better financial backing.

Also, I am not implying anything about poor people not being able to healthy. Not sure where you got that idea from.
From you: "It is difficult to eat healthy in the rod unless you have good finances behind you."

I understand your point better now, of course. It got obscured by the typo!
From you: "It is difficult to eat healthy in the rod unless you have good finances behind you."

I understand your point better now, of course. It got obscured by the typo!
I would stand by my point. Looking at the cost of fresh food recently has made me realise how much cheaper and easier it is to buy processed food.

Preparing fresh food to support a healthy lifestyle on the road is hard. Most touring bands don’t have the luxury of food catering and ways to store fresh and healthy food for prolonged periods. Blaze doesn’t use a tour bus as far as I am aware. I imagine Blaze has found it tough to maintain a healthy regime on the road.
I would stand by my point. Looking at the cost of fresh food recently has made me realise how much cheaper and easier it is to buy processed food.

Preparing fresh food to support a healthy lifestyle on the road is hard. Most touring bands don’t have the luxury of food catering and ways to store fresh and healthy food for prolonged periods. Blaze doesn’t use a tour bus as far as I am aware. I imagine Blaze has found it tough to maintain a healthy regime on the road.
If Blaze truly cares about his performances, and I believe he does, he should start getting healthier. Bad health = bad performances, or no performances. Of course it's more difficult to eat healthy on the road or in the rod, but those difficulties can be overcome if one really wants to. Lack of money makes it more difficult, but not impossible. I'm not unsympathetic, I just think if Blaze really does look unhealthy, that should be dealt with as a top priority.
If Blaze truly cares about his performances, and I believe he does, he should start getting healthier. Bad health = bad performances, or no performances. Of course it's more difficult to eat healthy on the road or in the rod, but those difficulties can be overcome if one really wants to. Lack of money makes it more difficult, but not impossible. I'm not unsympathetic, I just think if Blaze really does look unhealthy, that should be dealt with as a top priority.
He was pulling off good performances while being out of shape prior to the heart attack, but from the few reports I've read where he's needed help and looking tired, I'd have to agree. Listened to a podcast with him as a guest months back, and he said his road diet needs to improve, and he needs to "get around to starting that," or some such phrase. Mind, this was many months after the heart attack, around the time of Circle of Stone's release. By that statement and pics that show he's regained a fair amount of the pre-heart attack weight, it seems like the bad food habit is a tough one to break for him (and many people).

It's a bummer, because I was really happy for him, seeing how fantastic he looked when he started doing social media again in the lead up to CoS. That, and I'd (selfishly) like him to stick around for plenty more years so we can get more great music and performances.
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