Black Sabbath

Eventually, it has to get to the point where these older bands can't tour anymore due to old age and such. It will be interesting to see who is the first to truly stop. Some that I predict within the next 5-10 years are Sabbath, Judas Priest, AC/DC, The Moody Blues, The Scorpions, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Uriah Heep, Paul McCartney, Ringo Star, Ian Anderson just to name some.
Right, but for the most part those bands will stop because they're forced to for one reason or another. Planned farewells never end up being real.
Realistically, musicians don't usually retire. They may reduce their activity as they age, but they keep playing to the death. This has been true for hundreds of years at least.

John Deacon is one of the rare instances I can think of, for a musician who has seemingly genuinely retired.
Realistically, musicians don't usually retire. They may reduce their activity as they age, but they keep playing to the death. This has been true for hundreds of years at least.

John Deacon is one of the rare instances I can think of, for a musician who has seemingly genuinely retired.
True, but those who have played past the age of 70 and until their death weren't exactly hard rock or metal musicians. It's hard to picture the bands from that genre that I mentioned on stage at 90 years old. I guess we'll find out for sure in 20-30 years time.
Message from Bill Ward on Sabbath:
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Dear Friends,

I hope you’re well and in good spirits. I have not made any public statements regarding my relationship with Black Sabbath since February 2012. Today, I want to address that relationship in this formal statement. Thank you.

I have neither severed nor discontinued my relationship with Black Sabbath, however, since 2012, the often inaccurate statements about me as a person and as a musician have caused me to be guarded and be especially detached emotionally and spiritually from Ozzy. His rhetoric above all has brought me the most discord. The continuing misguided information about me has established a necessity on my part to confront these issues. And now, with the imminent release of a new Bill Ward Band album, and the flurry of rumors about new Sabbath projects, I feel it appropriate to speak in a truthful and an un-cynical way.

There is always speculation about a true, original Sabbath lineup for the next tour or record. With a sad heart, I have to say I will not participate in any musical undertakings until a righting of the wrongs spoken against me has been achieved. I must admit, I have little to no expectations of this happening, but in the order of first things first, I’m looking for an honest accountability of all of Ozzy’s statements that I felt were untrue. I would want Ozzy to amend his opinions and exaggerations. I would want him to be forthcoming about his unrealistic viewpoints. And because I was chastised publicly, I would want him to amend publicly in his words, and not through an Ozzy representative, the nature of the wrongs. I would not want to continue on with him without this seemingly impassible dilemma being addressed. I don’t think previously strong relationships can remain strong after dispute by just sweeping the offensive stuff under the carpet, or by saying a puny sorry, or “oh, that’s all over now.” It doesn’t work like that for me. Righting of wrong works, and that’s what I want if I’m ever going to be his friend again.

Still undone and faraway is a “signable” contract. I would require a “signable” contract before moving one step toward a pathway that could lead to us all playing together again. I want a contract I can approve. That’s my truth. That’s my stand. I’ve listened to nothing but insults and false remarks, and if as a band or as individuals they wish to continue along the same lines, then any notion of an original Black Sabbath lineup will continue to fade away.

Put simply, it’s up to them. I have dearly missed playing with them and as people, I have been heartbroken over the loss of who I thought we were. And now you know where I stand.

Very soon my band, BWB will release a new album ironically called “Accountable Beasts.” I re- kick-started it in May 2012, and in an off and on journey to record, we have reached our final destination – a good mix, and a well mastered record. At this time we are putting the final touches on the digital booklet.

There are other multiple projects in different stages of progress, and I hope to bring more definitive news about them as things unfold this year. I have been very happy writing new songs, playing drums and working with other musicians. I have been blessed with musical visions and the ability to harness them. I’m moving into the future with an optimistic outlook.

For our many Sabbath fans, I love you all dearly. You are extremely special people. You fucking rock. I have been in deep regret since January 2012 that a true union was denied. I’ve remained faithful to you and honest with myself. Had I not been honest throughout I would have perished long ago. My hand is within yours, and I am encouraged to know you better. Stay safe and stay strong.

Now it is time to meet the circumstances of my statement and attend to what else is ongoing and before me.

Bill Ward
I admit I haven't been paying attention - why would I pay attention to what Ozzy says? - so may I ask, what the hell is Ward talking about?
Haven't followed Ozzy's talk either to be honest. What strikes me is that he wants to be friends (again) with his band members. It's not just a matter of business. He plays it pretty "human".
I disagree. He wants some kind of public apology and a "signable" contract first, and I doubt we'd be seeing this at all if he didn't have an album coming out. This is all business, and it's bad business.
I never wanted to discuss this in a public forum but Bill's statements left me no option to but to respond honestly.
Wow Bill,
What the fuck are you on about? I cannot apologize for comments or opinions I may have made about you in the press during Sabbath’s “13” album and tour-- physically, you knew you were fucked. Tony, Geezer and myself didn’t think you could have done a two hour set with a drum solo every night, so we made the decision to move on. With Tony’s condition we felt that time was not on our side.
Bill, stop this smokescreen about an “unsignable contract” and let’s be honest. Deep down inside you knew you weren’t capable of doing the album and a 16 month tour. Unfortunately for you, our instincts were correct as you were in hospital several times during 2013. Your last hospitalization was for a shoulder surgery that you now say you’ve only just recovered from. This would have meant that our world tour would have been canceled. So how is all of this my fault? Stop playing the victim and be honest with yourself and our fans.
Bill, we go back a long way, let’s stop this now before it gets out of hand.
God bless you.
Weird to read it in the open, and the more painful. I can only hope that the band have told Ward himself that they didn't think he has been fit enough.
These kind of comments don't give me the feeling that the band has really spoken to Ward himself, about this issue. At least not in a very good manner.
Unfortunately for you, our instincts were correct as you were in hospital several times during 2013.
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They have not handled this in a very grown up manner, that's for sure. And now it's time for a new round of washing dirty laundry in public.
I can only hope that the band have told Ward himself that they didn't think he has been fit enough.

They did. They cited Ward's inability to physically handle the drums as the major reason they parted ways previously, way back when they were making 13. This is not news at all; this is exactly what they said all along.

Ozzy may normally be full of shit, but his statement here is dead on. Bill Ward is the one dragging this out in public.
Great interview, gives a lot of insight. It really shows why Ward is dragging it in the public.

As expected, this shows how things have been going. It totally shreds Ozzy's utterings. Look how Ozzy twisted the following events:

You have said you were sick for a bit, though.
I did get sick in October 2013, which was well after all of this has been talked about. I had perforated diverticulitis [a disease of the colon] that kicked the shit out of me. I actually lost another third of my heart when that happened. So I was in really bad shape; I was on death's door for a little while. When they cut out my stomach, I got some scars now that I can show everybody.

Four days before I got the perforated diverticulitis, I had right shoulder surgery. That's what happens to drummers who slam. The shoulder surgery was successful. It was nice and quiet and I thought, "Great, it doesn't look like I'm going to be on tour so I'll take care of my shoulder. This is a good time to do it." I wound up with a frozen shoulder because the perforated diverticulitis took center stage.

I went into cardio rehab to rebuild the heart muscle, which I'm doing really well with. They're trying to get me back up to 70 percent heart; I'm probably back up to maybe 50 percent now. Your heart muscle will grow again, providing that you're exercising. And my shoulder is way, way better now. I still go to shoulder therapy, but I've been playing now for well over a year and I'm slamming hard. I can fucking play drums.
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Maybe someone has yet to tell Bill that Sabbath politely used his health as an excuse to let him go "honorably discharged" because he's not that good of a drummer.