Lampwick 43
Barstool Warrior
Serj wins it just for the uniqueness factor.
He used to be great for a while. Like, on this song I posted. Idk why he ever got himself replaced by Zach Stevens who (at the time) was an inferior singer.Why is Jon Oliva here?
You have to be exaggerating.Didn't enjoy a single second of the other guy's voice.
I don't think they sound alike at all. Tom Englund never really went for higher notes or screaming like Russell. Evergrey had some cool albums and Tom mostly shines on ballads and slower songs like this. Tough group for him.He sounds like a less-talented Russell Allen.
...Geddy....?I’m voting for the emo guy.
I thought you were talkin’ ‘bout Brodén.Robert Smith, of course!
Robert Smith, of course!